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Eivazi, F
Evans, F.H
Ekanayake, D.C
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Eivazi, F
Evans, F.H
Andrew, J
Scanlan, C
Cook, S
Ekanayake, D.C
Owens, J
Werner, A
Holmes, A
Precision Conservation
Site-Specific Nutrient, Lime and Seed Management
On Farm Experimentation with Site-Specific Technologies
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Filter results3 paper(s) found.

1. Minimizing On-farm Point Source Contamination Of Pesticides Using The “Biobed” Method

  Microorganisms play a vital role in maintaining the environmental quality through their metabolic activities. The highly versatile metabolic capabilities of fungi and bacteria can be used to reclaim polluted ecosystems. A variety of biological, chemical, and physical methods have been used for degradation and detoxification of pesticides. However, conventional clean- up methods are costly and not always effective. Agrochemical storage and handling practices have been targeted... F. Eivazi

2. Modifying Agro-Economic Models to Predict Effects of Spatially Varying Nitrogen on Wheat Yields for a Farm in Western Australia

Agricultural research in broadacre farming in Western Australia has a strong history, resulting in a significant public resource of knowledge about biophysical processes affecting crop performance. However, translation of this knowledge into improved on-farm decision making remains a challenge to the industry. Online and mobile decision support tools to assist tactical farm management decisions are not widely adopted, for reasons including: (1) they take too much time and training to learn; and... F.H. Evans, J. Andrew, C. Scanlan, S. Cook

3. Delineation of 'Management Classes' Within Non-Irrigated Maize Fields Using Readily Available Reflectance Data and Their Correspondence to Spatial Yield Variation

Maize is grown predominantly for silage or gain in North Island, New Zealand. Precision agriculture allows management of spatially variable paddocks by variably applying crop inputs tailored to distinctive potential-yield limiting areas of the paddock, known as management zones. However, uptake of precision agriculture among in New Zealand maize growers is slow and limited, largely due to lack of data, technical expertise and evidence of financial benefits. Reflectance data of satellite and areal... D.C. Ekanayake, J. Owens, A. Werner, A. Holmes