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Kallithraka, S
DuPont, E.M
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Fountas, S
Kotseridis, Y
Balafoutis, A
Anastasiou, E
Koundouras, S
Kallithraka, S
Kyraleou, M
DuPont, E.M
Kolar, P.R
Spatial Variability in Crop, Soil and Natural Resources
Robotics, Guidance and Automation
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Filter results2 paper(s) found.

1. Site-Specific Variability Of Grape Composition And Wine Quality

Precision Viticulture (PV) is the application of site-specific tools to delineate management zones in vineyards for either targeting inputs or harvesting blocks according to grape maturity status. For the creation of management zones, soil properties, topography, canopy characteristics and grape yield are commonly measured during the growing season. The majority of PV studies in winegrapes have focused on the relation of soil and vine-related spatial data with grape composition... S. Fountas, Y. Kotseridis, A. Balafoutis, E. Anastasiou, S. Koundouras, S. Kallithraka, M. Kyraleou

2. Synchronized Windrow Intelligent Perception System (SWIPE)

The practice of bale production, in forage agriculture, involves various machines that include tractors, tedders, rakers, and balers. As part of the baling process, silage material is placed in windrows, linearly raked mounds, to drive over with a baler for easy collection into bales. Traditionally, a baler is an implement that is attached on the back of a tractor to generate bales of a specific shape. Forage agricultural equipment manufacturers have recently released an operator driven, self-propelled... E.M. Dupont, P.R. Kolar