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Kyraleou, M
Nadav, I
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Fountas, S
Kotseridis, Y
Balafoutis, A
Anastasiou, E
Koundouras, S
Kallithraka, S
Kyraleou, M
Nadav, I
Goldwasser, Y
Alchanati, V
Goldshtein, E
Cohen, Y
Gips, A
Nadav, I
Spatial Variability in Crop, Soil and Natural Resources
Drainage Optimization and Variable Rate Irrigation
Proximal and Remote Sensing of Soil and Crop (including Phenotyping)
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Filter results3 paper(s) found.

1. Site-Specific Variability Of Grape Composition And Wine Quality

Precision Viticulture (PV) is the application of site-specific tools to delineate management zones in vineyards for either targeting inputs or harvesting blocks according to grape maturity status. For the creation of management zones, soil properties, topography, canopy characteristics and grape yield are commonly measured during the growing season. The majority of PV studies in winegrapes have focused on the relation of soil and vine-related spatial data with grape composition... S. Fountas, Y. Kotseridis, A. Balafoutis, E. Anastasiou, S. Koundouras, S. Kallithraka, M. Kyraleou

2. Elimination of Spatial Variability Using Variable Rate Drip Irrigation (VRDI) in Vineyards

Vineyards worldwide are subjected to spatial variability, which can be exhibited in both low and high yield areas meaning that the vineyard is not achieving his full yield potential. In addition, the grapes quality is not uniformed leading to different wine qualities from the same plot. The assumption is that a variability in available water for the plant due to soil variability leads to the observed yield variability. A variable rate drip irrigation (VRDI) concept was developed to reduce such... I. Nadav

3. The Use of Spatial and Temporal Measures to Enhance the Sensitivity of Satellite-based Spectral Vegetation Indices to (Water) Stress in Maize Fields

Climate change and water scarcity are reducing the available irrigation water for agriculture thus turning it into a limited resource. Today calculating and estimating crop water requirements are achieved through the ETc FAO-56 model where the effect of climate on crop water requirement is determined through the water evaporation from the soil and plant (ETref), and a calendar crop coefficient (Kc). Models that... Y. Goldwasser, V. Alchanati, E. Goldshtein, Y. Cohen, A. Gips, I. Nadav