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Sedinina, N
Sanchez, S
Sims, A
Stephens, P
Shirtliffe, S
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Stephens, P
Mackin, S
Holmes, G
Sedinina, N
Kotlyarov , D
Kotlyarov, V
Franzen, D.W
Casey, F
Staricka, J
Long, D
Lamb, J
Sims, A
Halvorson, M
Hofman, V
Osann, A
Campos, I
Calera, M
Plaza, C
Bodas, V
Calera, A
Villodre, J
Campoy, J
Sanchez, S
Jimenez, N
Lopez, H
Krys, K
Shirtliffe, S
Duddu, H
Ha, T
Attanayake, A
Johnson, E
Andvaag, E
Stavness, I
Shirtliffe, S
Ha, T
Nketia, K
Nketia, K
Ha, T
Fernando, H
Shirtliffe, S
van Steenbergen, S
Remote Sensing Applications in Precision Agriculture
Precision Crop Protection
Spatial and Temporal Variability in Crop, Soil and Natural Resources
In-Season Nitrogen Management
Applications of Unmanned Aerial Systems
Precision Agriculture for Sustainability and Environmental Protection
Data Analytics for Production Ag
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Filter results7 paper(s) found.

1. Exploiting the Dmc Satellite Constellation for Applications in Precision Agriculture

This paper presents the unique capabilities of the DMC constellation of optical sensors, and examples of how a number of organisations around the world are exploiting this powerful data source for applications in precision farming. The DMC consists of five satellites built in the UK by Surrey Satellite Technology Ltd, each carrying a wide swath (650km) optical sensor. It is an international programme of satellite ownership and groundstations, with joint campaigns being coordinated centrally... P. Stephens, S. Mackin, G. Holmes

2. New Technologies in Biological Plant Protection and Its Localization

The sharp increase in the use of pesticides in agrobiocenosis in the background of no-till and minimum tillage called: the growth of costs, the decline of soil fertility, the occurrence of resistance in harmful organisms and change in species composition, a number of other pressing environmental problems. In this regard, the most preferred and safe bipolarization of plant protection. The use of microorganisms in plant protection can reduce the number of harmful organisms in anthropogenic ecosystems,... N. Sedinina, D. Kotlyarov , V. kotlyarov

3. Regional Usefulness of Nitrogen Management Zone Delineation Tools

In the Northern Plains of Montana, North Dakota and Minnesota, a number of site-specific tools have been used to delineate nitrogen management zones. A three-year study was conducted using yield mapping, elevation measurements, satellite imagery, aerial Ektochrome® photography, and soil EC to delineate nitrogen management zones and compare these zones to residual fall soil nitrate. At most of the sites, variable-rate N was applied and compared with uniform N application. The site-specific... D. Franzen, F. Casey, J. Staricka, D. Long, J. Lamb, A. Sims, M. Halvorson, V. Hofman

4. Practical Prescription of Variable Rate Fertilization Maps Using Remote Sensing Based Yield Potential

This paper describes a practical approach for the prescription of variable rate fertilization maps using remote sensing data (RS) based on satellite platforms, Landsat 8 and Sentinel-2 constellation. The methodology has been developed and evaluated in Albacete, Spain, in the framework of the project FATIMA (http://fatima-h2020.eu/). The global approach considers the prescription of N management prior to the growing season, based on a spatially distributed N balance. Although the diagnosis of N... A. Osann, I. Campos, M. Calera, C. Plaza, V. Bodas, A. Calera, J. Villodre, J. Campoy, S. Sanchez, N. Jimenez, H. Lopez

5. Establishment of a Canola Emergence Assessment Methodology Using Image-based Plant Count and Ground Cover Analysis

Manual assessment of emergence is a time-consuming practice that must occur within a short time-frame of the emergence stage in canola (Brassica napus). Unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) may allow for a more thorough assessment of canola emergence by covering a wider scope of the field and in a more timely manner than in-person evaluations. This research aims to calibrate the relationship between emerging plant population count and the ground cover. The field trial took place at the University... K. Krys, S. Shirtliffe, H. Duddu, T. Ha, A. Attanayake, E. Johnson, E. Andvaag, I. Stavness

6. Mapping Marginal Crop Land on Millions of Acres in the Canadian Prairies

Crop fields cover more than 250,000 km2 of the Canadian Prairies, and many of these contain areas of marginal soil condition that are farmed annually at a loss. Setting aside these unprofitable areas may represent savings for growers as well as reductions in GHG emissions, while restoring them with perennial vegetation could create new natural carbon sinks. There is high potential for these in-field marginal zones to act as a nature-based climate solution in Alberta, Saskatchewan and Manitoba.... S. Shirtliffe, T. Ha, K. Nketia

7. Digital Agriculture Driven by Big Data Analytics: a Focus on Spatio-temporal Crop Yield Stability and Land Productivity

In the ever-evolving landscape of agriculture, the adoption of digital technologies and big data analytics has ushered in a transformative era known as digital agriculture. This paradigm shift is primarily motivated by the pressing imperative to address the growing global population's food requirements, mitigate the adverse effects of climate change, and promote sustainable land management. Canada, a significant player in global food production, has made a substantial commitment to reducing... K. Nketia, T. Ha, H. Fernando, S. Shirtliffe, S. Van steenbergen