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Katz, L
Kyveryga, P
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Katz, L
Ben-Gal, A
Litaor, I
Naor, A
Peeters, A
Goldshtein, E
Alchanatis, V
Cohen, Y
Prestholt, A
Hernandez, C
Ciampitti , I
Kyveryga, P
McArthor , B
Prestholt, A
Kyveryga, P
Proximal and Remote Sensing of Soil and Crop (including Phenotyping)
Decision Support Systems
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Filter results3 paper(s) found.

1. Comparison of Canopy Extraction Methods from UAV Thermal Images for Temperature Mapping: a Case Study from a Peach Orchard

Canopy extraction using thermal images significantly affects temperature mapping and crop water status estimation. This study aimed to compare several canopy extraction methodologies by utilizing a large database of UAV thermal images from a precision irrigation trial in a peach orchard. Canopy extraction using thermal images can be attained by purely statistical analysis (S), a combination of statistical and spatial analyses (SS), or by synchronizing thermal and RGB images, following RGB statistical... L. Katz, A. Ben-gal, I. Litaor, A. Naor, A. Peeters, E. Goldshtein, V. Alchanatis, Y. Cohen

2. Analytical and Technological Advancements for Soybean Quality Mapping and Economic Differentiation

In the past, measuring soybean protein and oil content required the collection of soybean seed samples and laboratory analyses. Modern on-the-go near-infrared (NIR) sensing technologies during the harvest and proximal remote sensing (aerial and satellite imagery) before harvest time can be used to provide an early estimate of seed quality levels, benchmark in-season predictions with at-harvest final seed quality and enable seed differentiation for farmers leading to better marketing strategies. Recent... A. Prestholt, C. Hernandez, I. Ciampitti , P. Kyveryga

3. Soybean Variable Rate Planting Simulator Using Economic Scenarios

Soybean seed costs have increased considerably over the past 15 years, causing a growing interest in variable rate planting (VRP) to optimize seeding rates within soybean fields. We developed a publicly available online Soybean Variable Rate Planting Simulator (http://analytics.iasoybeans.com/cool-apps/SoybeanVRPsimulator/) tool to help farmers, agronomists, and other agriculturalists to understand the essential prerequisite agronomic or economic conditions necessary for profitable VRP implementation.... B. Mcarthor , A. Prestholt, P. Kyveryga