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Wölbert, E
Won, K
Williams, C.M
Witt, T
Wever, H
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Michels, M
Bonke, V
Wever, H
Mußhoff, O
Vincent, G
Kudenov, M
Balint-Kurti, P
Dean, R
Williams, C.M
Alahe, M
Kemeshi, J.O
Chang, Y
Won, K
Yang, X
Sher, M
Eberz-Eder, D
Wölbert, E
Hinze, J
Weiß, C
Bari, M.A
Bakshi, A
Witt, T
Caragea, D
Jagadish, K
Felderhoff, T
Pramanik, S
Choton, J
Drivers and Barriers to Adoption of Precision Ag Technologies or Digital Agriculture
Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Agriculture
Edge Computing and Cloud Solutions
Education of Precision Agriculture Topics and Practices
Big Data, Data Mining and Deep Learning
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Filter results5 paper(s) found.

1. Farming for a Greener Future: the Behavioural Drive Behind German Farmers’ Alternative Fuel Machinery Purchase Intentions

Climate change due to greenhouse gas emissions, e.g. anthropogenic carbon dioxide (CO2), in the atmosphere will lead to damages caused by global warming, increases in heavy rainfall, flooding as well as permafrost melt. One of the main issues for reducing greenhouse gas emissions is the dependence on oil for fueling transportation and other sectors. Accordingly, policy makers aim to reduce dependency on fossil fuels with the accelerated roll-out of renewable energy. Among others, the... M. Michels, V. Bonke, H. Wever, O. Mußhoff

2. Utilizing Hyperspectral Field Imagery for Accurate Southern Leaf Blight Severity Grading in Corn

Crop disease detection using traditional scouting and visual inspection approaches can be laborious and time-consuming. Timely detection of disease and its severity over large spatial regions is critical for minimizing significant yield losses. Hyperspectral imagery has been demonstrated as a useful tool for a broad assessment of crop health.  The use of spectral bands from hyperspectral data to predict disease severity and progression has been shown to have the capability of enhancing early... G. Vincent, M. Kudenov, P. Balint-kurti, R. Dean, C.M. Williams

3. Securing Agricultural Data with Encryption Algorithms on Embedded GPU Based Edge Computing Devices

Smart Agriculture (SA) has captured the interest of both the agricultural business and the scientific community in recent years. Overall, SA aims to help the agricultural and food industry to avoid crop failures, loss of revenues as well as help farmers use inputs (such as fertilizers and pesticides) more efficiently by utilizing Internet of Things (IoT) devices and computing systems. However, rapid digitization and reliance on data-driven technologies create new security threats that can defeat... M. Alahe, J.O. Kemeshi, Y. Chang, K. Won, X. Yang, M. Sher

4. Using the Open Data Farm As a Digital Twin of a Farm in an Innovative School Setting to Increase Data Literacy and Awareness

In recent years, the number of digital applications and data streams has steadily increased, but knowledge and expertise in dealing with them has not increased to the same extent. The Open Data Farm is intended to make a significant contribution to education and training in order to increase data literacy in agriculture. The Open Data Farm (ODF) represents a twin of a real agricultural business as a 3D model in which existing data streams in various branches of the business are visualised.... D. Eberz-eder, E. Wölbert, J. Hinze, C. Weiß

5. Deep Learning to Estimate Sorghum Yield with Uncrewed Aerial System Imagery

In the face of growing demand for food, feed, and fuel, plant breeders are challenged to accelerate yield potential through quick and efficient cultivar development. Plant breeders often conduct large-scale trials in multiple locations and years to address these goals. Sorghum breeding, integral to these efforts, requires early, accurate, and scalable harvestable yield predictions, traditionally possible only after harvest, which is time-consuming and laborious. This research harnesses high-throughput... M.A. Bari, A. Bakshi, T. Witt, D. Caragea, K. Jagadish, T. Felderhoff