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Cerri, D.G
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Cerri, D.G
Magalh, P.S
Rodrigues Jr, F
Maglh, P.S
Cerri, D.G
Engineering Technologies and Advances
Spatial Variability in Crop, Soil and Natural Resources
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Filter results2 paper(s) found.

1. Developing Of A Monitoring System Of Cutting, Carrying, And Transportation Of Sugar Cane In Order To Manage Fleet

In the productive process for obtaining sugar cane products, the costs associated to the activities of harvesting (cut), carrying and transport (CCT), represent great part of the final cost of the product. In order to reduce this costs new technologies should be adopted in the agricultural mechanization using precision agriculture methods. The use of the information technology combined with the use of intelligent components can help to improve the performance of machines and equipments and... D.G. Cerri, P.S. Magalh

2. Spatial Variability Analyse And Correlation Between Physical Chemical Soil Attributes And Sugarcane Quality Parameters

With the high increment in the ethanol demand, the trend is that the planted area with sugar cane in Brazil will increase from the actual 7 million ha up to 12 million ha in 15 years. The sugar cane expansion demands, beyond the enlargement of the boundaries with the installation of new industrial units, better use of the production areas and improvement of the yield and quality, together with production costs reduction. In such a way, the adoption of Precision Agriculture... F. Rodrigues jr, P.S. Maglh, D.G. Cerri