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Bodson, B
Brodbeck, C.J
Rains, G
Rydahl, P
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Vancutsem, F
Leemans, V
Ferrandis Vallterra, S
Bodson, B
Destain, J
Destain, M
Dumont, B
Dumont, B
Vancutsem, F
Destain, J
Bodson, B
Lebeau, F
Destain, M
Norwood, S.H
Fulton, J.P
Winstead, A.T
Shaw, J.N
Rodekohr, D
Brodbeck, C.J
Macy, T
Basso, B
Destain, J
Bodson, B
Destain, M
Dumont, B
Destain, M
Leemans, V
Marlier, G
Goffart, J
Bodson, B
Mercatoris, B
Gritten, F
Rydahl, P
Jorgensen, R.N
Dyrmann, M
Jensen, N
Sorensen, M.D
Bojer, O.M
Andersen, P
Rydahl, P
Boejer, O
Torresen, K
Montull, J.M
Taberner, A
Bückmann, H
Verschwele, A
Rydahl, P
Boejer, O
Jensen, N
Hartmann, B
Jorgensen, R
Soerensen, M
Andersen, P
Paz, L
Nielsen, M.B
Byers, C
Virk, S
Meena, R.K
Rains, G
Modeling and Geo-statistics
Sensor Application in Managing In-season Crop Variability
Spatial Variability in Crop, Soil and Natural Resources
Precision Nutrient Management
Proximal Sensing in Precision Agriculture
Precision Crop Protection
Decision Support Systems
Precision Crop Protection
Drone Spraying
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Filter results9 paper(s) found.

1. A Model For Wheat Yield Prediction Based On Real-time Monitoring Of Environmental Factors

... B. Dumont, F. Vancutsem, J. Destain, B. Bodson, F. Lebeau, M. Destain

2. A Case Study For Variable-rate Seeding Of Corn And Cotton In The Tennessee Valley Of Alabama

      Farmers have recently become more interested in implementing variable-rate seeding of corn and cotton in Alabama due to increasing seed costs and the potential to maximize yields site-specifically due to inherent field variability.  Therefore, an on-farm case study was conducted to evaluate the feasibility of variable-rate seeding for a corn and cotton rotation. ... S.H. Norwood, J.P. Fulton, A.T. Winstead, J.N. Shaw, D. Rodekohr, C.J. Brodbeck, T. Macy

3. Assessing the Potential of an Algorithm Based On Mean Climatic Data to Predict Wheat Yield

In crop yield prediction, the unobserved future weather remains the key point of predictions. Since weather forecasts are limited in time, a large amount of information may come from the analysis of past weather data. Mean data over the past years and stochastically generated data are two possible ways to compensate the lack of future data. This research aims to demonstrate that it is possible to predict... F. Vancutsem, V. Leemans, S. Ferrandis vallterra, B. Bodson, J. Destain, M. Destain, B. Dumont

4. Nitrogen Fertilisation Recommendations : Could They Be Improved Using Stochastically Generated Climates In Conjunction With Crop Models ?

In the context of precision nitrogen (N) management, to ensure that the yield potential could be reached each year, farmers have too often applied quantities of fertilizers much larger than what was strictly required. However, since 2002, the Belgian Government transposed the European Nitrate Directive 91/676/EEC in the Belgian law, with the aim to maintain the productivity and the revenue of Belgian's farmers while reducing the environmental impact of excessive N management... B. Basso, J. Destain, B. Bodson, M. Destain, B. Dumont

5. Detection of Nitrogen Stress on Winter Wheat by Multispectral Machine Vision

Hand-held sensors (SPAD meter, N-Tester, …) used for detecting the leaves nitrogen  concentration (Nc) present several drawbacks. The nitrogen concentration is gained by an indirect way through the chlorophyll concentration and the leaves have to be fixed in a defined position for the measurements. These drawbacks could be overcome by an imaging device that measures the canopy reflectance. Hence, the objective of the paper is to analyse the potential of multispectral imaging for detecting... M. Destain, V. Leemans, G. Marlier, J. Goffart, B. Bodson, B. Mercatoris, F. Gritten

6. Spatial Variability of Optimized Herbicide Mixtures and Dosages

Driven by 25 years of Danish, political 'pesticide action plans', aiming at reducing the use of pesticides, a Danish Decision Support System (DSS) for Integrated Weed Management (IWM) has been constructed. This online tool, called ‘IPMwise’ is now in its 4th generation. It integrates the 8 general IPM-principles as defined by the EU. In Denmark, this DSS includes 30 crops, 105 weeds and full assortments of herbicides. Due to generic qualities in both the integrated... P. Rydahl, R.N. Jorgensen, M. Dyrmann, N. Jensen, M.D. Sorensen, O.M. Bojer, P. Andersen

7. Economic Potential of IPMwise – a Generic Decision Support System for Integrated Weed Management in 4 Countries

Reducing use and dependency on pesticides in Denmark has been driven by political action plans since the 1980ies, and a series of nationally funded accompanying R&D programs were completed in the period 1989-2006. One result of these programs was a decision support system (DSS) for integrated weed management. The 4th generation (2016) of the agro-biological models and IT-tools in this DSS, named IPMwise. The concept of IPMwise is to systematically exploit that: occurrence... P. Rydahl, O. Boejer, K. Torresen, J.M. Montull, A. Taberner, H. Bückmann, A. Verschwele

8. Economic Potential of RoboWeedMaps - Use of Deep Learning for Production of Weed Maps and Herbicide Application Maps

In Denmark, a new IPM ‘product chain’ has been constructed, which starts with systematic photographing of fields and ends up with field- or site-specific herbicide application. A special high-speed camera, mounted on an ATV took sufficiently good pictures of small weed plants, while driving up to 50 km/h. Pictures were uploaded to the RoboWeedMaps online platform, where appointed internal- and external persons with agro-botanical experience executed ‘virtual field inspection’... P. Rydahl, O. Boejer, N. Jensen, B. Hartmann, R. Jorgensen, M. Soerensen, P. Andersen, L. Paz, M.B. Nielsen

9. Spray Deposition Characterization of Uniform and Variable-rate Applications with Spray Drones

The use of unmanned aerial application systems (also known as spray drones) has seen rapidly increasing interest in recent years due to their potential to allow for timely application of pesticides and being able to apply in areas inaccessible to ground application sprayers. Newer spray drone models’ have improved application systems such as rotary atomizers for creating spray droplets and capabilities such as variable-rate (VR) application for site-specific pesticide applications. An investigation... C. Byers, S. Virk, R.K. Meena, G. Rains