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Development of a Granular Herbicide Spot Applicator for Management of Hair Fescue (Festuca Filiformis) in Wild Blueberry (Vaccinium Angustifolium)
C. MacEachern, T. Esau, Q. Zaman
Dalhousie University

Hair fescue has quickly become the pest of greatest concern for the wild blueberry industry. This is largely due to its ability to outcompete wild blueberry for critical resources including water, nutrients and most importantly space. In Nova Scotia, between 2001 and 2019, hair fescue had increased in field frequency from 7% to 68% and in field uniformity from 1.4% to 25%. This rapidly spreading and economically destructive weed is likewise a significant challenge to manage, with only a single registered herbicide, Kerb SC (Propyzamide), demonstrating effective control and widespread use. That said, Kerb SC has become increasingly difficult to acquire in recent years and reliance on a single herbicide can lead to selection for herbicide resistance. Casoron G4 (dichlobenil) represents a possible alternative in that it too has shown success at managing hair fescue in initial trials. However, due to its granular nature and high application cost of up to $17300 ha-1 most growers have not explored it as an option. Given hair fescue’s 25% field uniformity, there is a potential 75% agrochemical cost savings which could be achieved through the development of a spot applicator. The applicator developed in this study modifies a Valmar 1255 TR through the development of a recirculation system for the granular product and custom built, bistable solenoid driven valves. By constantly recirculating product, there is always product available at the valve, while avoiding the possibility of the valves becoming stuck from product buildup. In the final design, the valves will be controllable either through the use of a prescription map or in real time with a machine vision system trained to identify hair fescue. The machine vision system has been developed in isolation and currently boasts a Top-1 percentage of 96.25%. Future work will look at interfacing the machine vision system with the spot applicator.

Keyword: Herbicide, weeds, granular, wild blueberry, spot applied, neural network