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Cooper, J
Chen, Y
Castro, T
Chen, M
Casanova, J.L
Chang, Y.K
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Yang, X
Sun, C
Qian, J
Ji, Z
Qiao, S
Chen, M
Zhao, C
Li, M
Zaman, Q
Esau, T.J
Farooque, A.A
Schumann, A.W
Percival, D.C
Chang, Y.K
Farooque, A.A
Zaman, Q.U
Groulx, D
Schumann, A.W
Esau, T.J
Chang, Y.K
Chen, M
Li, M
Qian, J
Li, W
Wang, Y
Zhang, Y
Yang, X
Zhao, T
Chen, Y
Franzen, J
Gonzalez, J
Yang, Q
Zhao, T
Cisneros, M
Chen, Y
Yang, Q
Zhang, Y
Casanova, J.L
Fraile, S
Romo, A
Sanz, J
Moclán, C
Dallago, G.M
Figueiredo, D
Santos, R
Santos, D
Guimarães, L
Santos, C
Castro, T
Santos, A
Otoni, L
Andrade, J
Cammarano, D
Drexler, D
Hinsinger, P
Martre, P
Draye, X
Sessitsch, A
Pecchioni, N
Cooper, J
Helga, W
Voicu, A
Precision Crop Protection
Engineering Technologies and Advances
Spatial Variability in Crop, Soil and Natural Resources
Precision Horticulture
Remote Sensing Applications in Precision Agriculture
Remote Sensing Application / Sensor Technology
Precision Dairy and Livestock Management
Big Data, Data Mining and Deep Learning
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Filter results9 paper(s) found.

1. Modeling and Decision Support System for Precision Cucumber Protection in Greenhouses

The plant disease... X. Yang, C. Sun, J. Qian, Z. Ji, S. Qiao, M. Chen, C. Zhao, M. Li

2. Development of Sensing System Using Digital Photography Technique for Spot-Application of Herbicide in Wild Blueberry Fields

An automated sensing system, hardware and software, was developed for spot-application of herbicide with 6.1 m boom automated prototype sprayer.... Q. Zaman, T.J. Esau, A.A. Farooque, A.W. Schumann, D.C. Percival, Y.K. Chang

3. Sensor Fusion on a Wild Blueberry Harvester for Fruit Yield, Plant Height and Topographic Features Mapping to Improve Crop Productivity

  Site-specific crop management can improve profitability and environmental risks of wild blueberry crop having large spatial variation in soil/plant characteristics, topographic features which may affect fruit yield. An integrated automated sensor fusion system including an ultrasonic sensor, a digital color camera, a slope sensor,... A.A. Farooque, Q.U. Zaman, D. Groulx, A.W. Schumann, T.J. Esau, Y.K. Chang

4. Study On The Automatic Monitoring Technology For Fuji Fruit Color Based On Machine Vision

  Fruit color is one of the important indicators of quality and commodities. Three kinds of the traditional methods are used to evaluate fruit color, including artificial visual identification, fruit standard color cards and color measurement instrument. These methods are needed to be conducted in the field by persons, which are time-consuming and labored, and also difficult to obtain the dynamic color information of the target fruits in the growth process. This study developed... M. Chen, M. Li, J. Qian, W. Li, Y. Wang, Y. Zhang, X. Yang

5. Melon Classification and Segementation Using Low Cost Remote Sensing Data Drones

Object recognition represents currently one of the most developing and challenging areas of the Computer Vision. This work presents a systematic study of various relevant parameters and approaches allowing semi-automatic or automatic object detection, applied onto a study case of melons on the field to be counted. In addition it is of a cardinal interest to obtain the quantitative information about performance of the algorithm in terms of metrics the suitability whereof is determined by the final... T. Zhao, Y. Chen, J. Franzen, J. Gonzalez, Q. Yang

6. Almond Canopy Detection and Segmentation Using Remote Sensing Data Drones

The development of Unmanned Aerial System (UAV) makes it possible to take high resolution images of trees easily. These images could help better manage the orchard. However, more research is necessary to extract useful information from these images. For example, irrigation schedule and yield prediction both rely on accurate measurement of canopy size. In this paper, a workflow is proposed to count trees and measure the canopy size of each individual tree. The performances of three different methods... T. Zhao, M. Cisneros, Y. Chen, Q. Yang, Y. Zhang

7. Precision Farming by Means of Remote Sensing.

In order to improve the wine quality a study has been carried out on a vineyard. From two different types of satellite images, 5 products have been obtained and represented in maps. DMC-UK images, with a resolution of 32 meters and QUICK-BIRD images, with a resolution of 0.6 meters have been used. Through the bands of these images, the following products were obtained: the NDVI, with which users find out which zones in their estates have the worst condition; Mean Vegetation State, which is a comparative... J.L. Casanova, S. Fraile, A. Romo, J. Sanz, C. Moclán

8. Time Series Analysis of Somatic Cell Count from Dairy Herds in Minas Gerais - Brazil

The objective of this study was to analyze the temporal variation of somatic cell count (SCC) in milk of dairy cows from the state of Minas Gerais, Brazil. The Holstein Livestock Breeders Association of Minas Gerais provided data collected from 128 dairy farms located in the state of Minas Gerais between the years of 2000 and 2016. The database contains the SCC average of a total of 91,851 305-day lactations of Holstein animals. The annual SCC average was calculated as well as the percentage of... G.M. Dallago, D. Figueiredo, R. Santos, D. Santos, L. Guimarães, C. Santos, T. Castro, A. Santos, L. Otoni, J. Andrade

9. Shared Protocols and Data Template in Agronomic Trials

Due to the overlap of many disciplines and the availability of novel technologies, modern agriculture has become a wide, interdisciplinary endeavor, especially in Precision Agriculture. The adoption of a standard format for reporting field experiments can help researchers to focus on the data rather than on re-formatting and understanding the structure of the data. This paper describes how a European consortium plans to: i) create a “handbook” of protocols for reporting definitions,... D. Cammarano, D. Drexler, P. Hinsinger, P. Martre, X. Draye, A. Sessitsch, N. Pecchioni, J. Cooper, W. Helga, A. Voicu