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Kitchen, N.R
Kolln, O.T
Manon, M
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Marine, L
Manon, M
Claire, G
Laurent, P
Mostafa, F
Zoran, C
Naima, B
Sébastien, D
Olivier, G
Stevens, L.J
Ferguson, R.B
Franzen, D.W
Kitchen, N.R
Kolln, O.T
Sanches, G.M
Rossi Neto, J
Castro, S.G
Mariano, E
Otto, R
Inamasu, R
Magalhães, P.S
Braunbeck, O.A
Franco, H.C
Castro, S.G
Kolln, O.T
Nakao, H.S
Franco, H.C
Braunbeck, O
Graziano Magalhães, P.S
Sanches, G.M
Bean, G
Kitchen, N.R
Franzen, D.W
Miles, R.J
Ransom, C
Scharf, P
Camberato, J
Carter, P
Ferguson, R.B
Fernandez, F.G
Laboski, C
Nafziger, E
Sawyer, J
Shanahan, J
Sanches, G.M
Kolln, O.T
Franco, H.C
Magalhaes, P.S
Duft, D.G
Sudduth, K.A
Kitchen, N.R
Vories, E.D
Drummond, S.T
Ransom, C.J
Vong, C
Veum, K.S
Sudduth, K.A
Kitchen, N.R
Zhou, J
Li, D
Miao, Y
Fernández, .G
Kitchen, N.R
Ransom, C.
Bean, G.M
Sawyer, .E
Camberato, J.J
Carter, .R
Ferguson, R.B
Franzen, D.W
Franzen, D.W
Franzen, D.W
Franzen, D.W
Laboski, C.A
Nafziger, E.D
Shanahan, J.F
Sensor Application in Managing In-season Crop Variability
Sensor Application in Managing In-season CropVariability
Precision Nutrient Management
Precision Nutrient Management
Big Data Mining & Statistical Issues in Precision Agriculture
Proximal and Remote Sensing of Soil and Crop (including Phenotyping)
Proximal and Remote Sensing of Soil and Crop (including Phenotyping)
ISPA Community: Nitrogen
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Filter results9 paper(s) found.

1. Using Multiplex® to Manage Nitrogen Variability in Champagne Vineyard

... L. Marine, M. Manon, G. Claire, P. Laurent, F. Mostafa, C. Zoran, B. Naima, D. Sébastien, G. Olivier

2. In-Season Nitrogen Requirement For Maize Using Model And Sensor-Based Recommendation Approaches

Nitrogen (N), an essential element, is often limiting to plant growth.  There is great value in determining the optimum quantity and timing of N application to meet crop needs while minimizing losses.  Low nitrogen use efficiency (NUE) has been attributed to several factors including poor synchrony between N fertilizer and crop demand, unaccounted for spatial variability resulting in varying crop N needs, and temporal variances in crop N needs.  Applying a portion... L.J. Stevens, R.B. Ferguson, D.W. Franzen, N.R. Kitchen

3. Optical Sensors To Predict Nitrogen Demand By Sugarcane

The low effectiveness of nitrogen (N) from fertilizer is a substantial concern in worldwide which has been threatening the sustainability of sugarcane production. The increment of nitrogen use efficiency (NUE) by sugarcane genotypes associated to the best practices of fertilizer management and nutritional diagnosis methods have higher potential to reduce environment impacts of nitrogen fertilization. Due to the difficult to determine N status in soil test as well as there is not... O.T. Kolln, G.M. Sanches, J. Rossi neto, S.G. Castro, E. Mariano, R. Otto, R. Inamasu, P.S. Magalhães, O.A. Braunbeck, H.C. Franco

4. The Most Sensitive Growth Stage To Quantify Nitrogen Stress In Sugarcane Using Active Crop Canopy Sensor

The use of sensors that allow the application of nitrogen fertilizer at variable rate has been widely used by researchers in many agricultural crops, but without success in sugarcane, probably due to the difficulty of diagnosing the nutritional status of the crop for nitrogen (N). Active crop canopy sensors are based on the principle that the spectral reflectance curve of the leaves are modified by N level. Researchers in USA indicated that in-season N stress in corn can be detected... S.G. Castro, O.T. Kolln, H.S. Nakao, H.C. Franco, O. Braunbeck, P.S. Graziano magalhães, G.M. Sanches

5. Modifying the University of Missouri Corn Canopy Sensor Algorithm Using Soil and Weather Information

Corn production across the U.S. Corn belt can be often limited by the loss of nitrogen (N) due to leaching, volatilization and denitrification. The use of canopy sensors for making in-season N fertilizer applications has been proven effective in matching plant N requirements with periods of rapid N uptake (V7-V11), reducing the amount of N lost to these processes. However, N recommendation algorithms used in conjunction with canopy sensor measurements have not proven accurate in making N recommendations... G. Bean, N.R. Kitchen, D.W. Franzen, R.J. Miles, C. Ransom, P. Scharf, J. Camberato, P. Carter, R.B. Ferguson, F. Fernandez, C. Laboski, E. Nafziger, J. Sawyer, J. Shanahan

6. Translating Data into Knowledge - Precision Agriculture Database in a Sugarcane Production.

The advent of Information Technology in agriculture, surveying and data collection became a simple task, starting the era of "Big Data" in agricultural production. Currently, a large volume of data and information associated with the plant, soil and climate are collected quick and easily. These factors influence productivity, operating costs, investments and environment impacts. However, a major challenge for this area is the transformation of data and information... G.M. Sanches, O.T. Kolln, H.C. Franco, P.S. Magalhaes, D.G. Duft

7. Compensating for Soil Moisture Effects in Estimation of Soil Properties by Electrical Conductivity Sensing

Bulk apparent soil electrical conductivity (ECa) is the most widely used soil sensing modality in precision agriculture. Soil ECa relates to multiple soil properties, including clay content (i.e., texture) and salt content (i.e., salinity). However, calibrations of ECa to soil properties are not temporally stable, due in large part to soil moisture differences between measurement dates. Therefore, the objective of this research was to investigate the effects of temporal soil moisture variations... K.A. Sudduth, N.R. Kitchen, E.D. Vories, S.T. Drummond

8. Estimating Soil Carbon Stocks with In-field Visible and Near-infrared Spectroscopy

Agricultural lands can be a sink for carbon and play an important role in offsetting carbon emissions. Current methods of measuring carbon sequestration—through repeated temporal soil samples—are costly and laborious. A promising alternative is using visible, near-infrared (VNIR) diffuse reflectance spectroscopy. However, VNIR data are complex, which requires several data processing steps and often yields inconsistent results, especially when using in situ VNIR measurements. Using... C.J. Ransom, C. Vong, K.S. Veum, K.A. Sudduth, N.R. Kitchen, J. Zhou

9. Developing a Machine Learning and Proximal Sensing-based In-season Site-specific Nitrogen Management Strategy for Corn in the US Midwest

Effective in-season site-specific nitrogen (N) management strategies are urgently needed to ensure both food security and sustainable agricultural development. Different active canopy sensor-based precision N management strategies have been developed and evaluated in different parts of the world. Recent studies evaluating several sensor-based N recommendation algorithms across the US Midwest indicated that these locally developed algorithms generally did not perform well when used broadly across... D. Li, Y. Miao, .G. Fernández, N.R. Kitchen, C. . Ransom, G.M. Bean, .E. Sawyer, J.J. Camberato, .R. Carter, R.B. Ferguson, D.W. Franzen, D.W. Franzen, D.W. Franzen, D.W. Franzen, C.A. Laboski, E.D. Nafziger, J.F. Shanahan