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Pourreza, A
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Lee, W
Pourreza, A
Pourreza, A
Lee, W
Lu, J
Roberts, P
Zhou, C
Lee, W
Pourreza, A
Schueller, J.K
Liburd, O.E
Ampatzidis, Y
Zuniga-Ramirez, G
Engineering Technologies and Advances
Sensor Application in Managing In-season Crop Variability
Big Data, Data Mining and Deep Learning
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Filter results3 paper(s) found.

1. Effect Of Starch Accumulation In Huanglongbing Symptomatic Leaves On Reflecting Polarized Light

Huanglongbing (HLB) or citrus greening disease is an extremely dangerous infection which has severely influenced the citrus industry in Florida. It was also recently found in California and Texas. There is no effective cure for this disease reported yet. The infected trees should be identified and removed immediately to prevent the disease from being spread to other trees. The visual leaf symptoms of this disease are green islands, yellow veins, or vein corking; however,... W. Lee, A. Pourreza

2. Development of a Multiband Sensor for Citrus Black Spot Disease Detection

Citrus black spot (CBS), or Guignardia citricarpa, is known as the most destroying citrus fungal disease worldwide. CBS causes yield loss as a result of early fruit drop, and it leaves severely blemished and unmarketable fruit. While leaves usually remain symptomless, CBS generates various forms of lesions on citrus fruits including hard spot, cracked spot, and virulent spot. CBS lesions often appear on maturing fruit, starting two months before maturity. Warm temperature and sunlight exposure... A. Pourreza, W. Lee, J. Lu, P. Roberts

3. Strawberry Pest Detection Using Deep Learning and Automatic Imaging System

Strawberry growers need to monitor pests to determine the options for pest management to reduce damage to yield and quality.  However, manually counting strawberry pests using a hand lens is time-consuming and biased by the observer. Therefore, an automated rapid pest scouting method in the strawberry field can save time and improve counting consistency. This study utilized six cameras to take images of the strawberry leaf. Due to the relatively small size of the strawberry pest, six cameras... C. Zhou, W. Lee, A. Pourreza, J.K. Schueller, O.E. Liburd, Y. Ampatzidis, G. Zuniga-ramirez