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Magalhaes, P.S
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Sanches, G.M
Kolln, O.T
Franco, H.C
Magalhaes, P.S
Duft, D.G
Sanches, G.M
Amaral, L.R
Pitrat, T
Brasco, T
Magalhaes, P.S
Duft, D.G
Franco, H.C
Big Data Mining & Statistical Issues in Precision Agriculture
Proximal Sensing in Precision Agriculture
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Filter results2 paper(s) found.

1. Translating Data into Knowledge - Precision Agriculture Database in a Sugarcane Production.

The advent of Information Technology in agriculture, surveying and data collection became a simple task, starting the era of "Big Data" in agricultural production. Currently, a large volume of data and information associated with the plant, soil and climate are collected quick and easily. These factors influence productivity, operating costs, investments and environment impacts. However, a major challenge for this area is the transformation of data and information... G.M. Sanches, O.T. Kolln, H.C. Franco, P.S. Magalhaes, D.G. Duft

2. Apparent Electrical Conductivity Sensors and Their Relationship with Soil Properties in Sugarcane Fields

One important tool within the technological precision agriculture (PA) package are the apparent electrical conductivity (ECa) sensors. This kind of sensor shows the ability in mapping soil physicochemical variability quickly, with high resolution and at low cost. However, the adoption of this technology in Brazil is not usual, particularly on sugarcane fields. A major issue for farmers is the applicability of ECa, how to convert ECa data in knowledge that may assist the producer in decision-making... G.M. Sanches, L.R. Amaral, T. Pitrat, T. Brasco, P.S. Magalhaes, D.G. Duft, H.C. Franco