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Saifuzzaman, M
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Saifuzzaman, M
Adamchuk, V.I
Huang, H
Ji, W
Rabe, N
Biswas, A
Saifuzzaman, M
Adamchuk, V
Leduc , M
Big Data, Data Mining and Deep Learning
Decision Support Systems
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Filter results2 paper(s) found.

1. Data Clustering Tools for Understanding Spatial Heterogeneity in Crop Production by Integrating Proximal Soil Sensing and Remote Sensing Data

Remote sensing (RS) and proximal soil sensing (PSS) technologies offer an advanced array of methods for obtaining soil property information and determining soil variability for precision agriculture. A large amount of data collected using these sensors may provide essential information for precision or site-specific management in a production field. In this paper, we introduced a new clustering technique was introduced and compared with existing clustering tools for determining relatively homogeneous... M. Saifuzzaman, V.I. Adamchuk, H. Huang, W. Ji, N. Rabe, A. Biswas

2. Stem Characteristics and Local Environmental Variables for Assessment of Alfalfa Winter Survival

Alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) is considered the queen of forage due to its high yield, nutritional qualities, and capacity to sequester carbon. However, there are issues with its relatively low persistency and winter survival as compared to grass. Winter survival in alfalfa is affected by diverse factors, including the environment (e.g., snow cover, hardiness period, etc.) and management (e.g., cutting timing, manure application, etc.). Alfalfa's poor winter survival reduces the number of living... M. Saifuzzaman, V. Adamchuk, M. Leduc