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Tisseyre, B
Dreyer, J.G
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de Solan, B
Lopez Lozano, R
Ma, K
Baret, F
Tisseyre, B
Pasquel, D
Roux, S
Tisseyre, B
Taylor, J.A
Dreyer, J.G
Ameglio, L
Pros and Cons of Reflectance and Fluorescence-based Remote Sensing of Crop
Geospatial Data
Proximal and Remote Sensing of Soil and Crop (including Phenotyping)
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Filter results3 paper(s) found.

1. Interest Of 3D Modeling For Lai Retrieval From Canopy Transmittance Measurements: The Cases Of Wheat And Vineyard

Remote sensing techniques are now widely used in agriculture, for cultivar screening as well as for decision making tools. Empirical methods relate directly the remote sensing measured values to crop characteristics. These methods are limited by the important amount of ground data necessary for their calibration. Their validity domain is generally not very well defined as well as the associated uncertainties. Conversely, radiative transfer models allow simulating a wide range of conditions, and... B. De solan, R. Lopez lozano, K. Ma, F. Baret, B. Tisseyre

2. Comparison of Different Aspatial and Spatial Indicators to Assess Performance of Spatialized Crop Models at Different Within-field Scales

Most current crop models are point-based models, i.e. they simulate agronomic variables on a spatial footprint on which they were initially designed (e.g. plant, field, region scale). To assess their performances, many indicators based on the comparison of estimated vs observed data, can be used such as root mean square error (RMSE) or Willmott index of agreement (D-index) among others. However, shifting model use from a strategic objective to tactical in-season management is becoming a significant... D. Pasquel, S. Roux, B. Tisseyre, J.A. Taylor

3. Gamma-ray Spectrometry to Determine Soil Properties for Soil Mapping in Precision Agriculture

Soil maps are critical for various land use applications and form the basis for the successful implementation of precision agriculture in crop production. Soil maps provide the spatial distribution of important soil physical and chemical properties to a farmer. The farmer uses this information to make critical management decisions for profitable and sustainable food production. South Africa is a water scarce country where rainfall is mainly seasonal and unreliable. Under these circumstances, knowing... J.G. Dreyer, L. Ameglio