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Wang, D.R
Wells, G
Weber, N
Whitaker, B
Williams, C
Wang, Y
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Wells, G
Shovic, J
Everett, M
Weinmann, M
Nkebiwe, M
Weber, N
Bradacova, K
Morad-Talab, N
Ludewig, U
Müller, T
Neumann, G
Raupp, M
Bradacova, K
Ottley, C
Kudenov, M
Balint-Kurti, P
Dean, R
Williams, C
Jha, G
Nazrul, F
Nocco, M
Pagé Fortin, M
Whitaker, B
Diaz, D
Gal, A
Schmidt, R
Dey, S
Pathak, H
Warren, C.J
Buckmaster, D
Wang, D.R
Nazrul, F
Kim, J
Dey, S
Palla, S
Sihi, D
Whitaker, B
Jha, G
Wang, Y
Lu, Y
Morris, D
Benjamin, M
Lavagnino, M
McIntyre, J
Wireless Sensor Networks and Farm Connectivity
Drivers and Barriers to Adoption of Precision Ag Technologies or Digital Agriculture
Big Data, Data Mining and Deep Learning
Weather and Models for Precision Agriculture
In-Season Nitrogen Management
Farm Animals Health and Welfare Monitoring
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Filter results7 paper(s) found.

1. Data Gator: a Provisionless Network Solution for Collecting Data from Wired and Wireless Sensors

Advances in wireless sensor technology and data collection in precision agriculture enable farmers and researchers to understand operational and environmental dynamics. These advances allow the tracking of water usage, temperature variation, soil pH, humidity, sunlight penetration, and other factors which are crucial for trend prediction and analysis. Capitalizing on this advancement, however, requires data collection infrastructure using large and varied sensor networks. Adoption and implementation... G. Wells, J. Shovic, M. Everett

2. Bio-Effectors As a Promising Tool for Precision Agriculture and Integrated Plant Nutrition

Bio-effectors, such as microorganisms and active natural compounds, are of increasing interest as promising alternatives or substitutes to precarious agrochemicals. European and global markets (valued at 14.6 billion US$ in 2023) for agricultural biologicals (bio-pesticides, bio-fertilizers, and bio-stimulants) are predicted to grow at rates of more than 13.5 % per year. Improved availability and use efficiency of mineral nutrients, tolerance to abiotic stresses, yield and quality traits, as well... M. Weinmann, M. Nkebiwe, N. Weber, K. Bradacova, N. Morad-talab, U. Ludewig, T. Müller, G. Neumann, M. Raupp, K. Bradacova

3. Automated Southern Leaf Blight Severity Grading of Corn Leaves in RGB Field Imagery

Plant stress phenotyping research has progressively addressed approaches for stress quantification. Deep learning techniques provide a means to develop objective and automated methods for identifying abiotic and biotic stress experienced in an uncontrolled environment by plants comparable to the traditional visual assessment conducted by an expert rater. This work demonstrates a computational pipeline capable of estimating the disease severity caused by southern corn leaf blight in images of field-grown... C. Ottley, M. Kudenov, P. Balint-kurti, R. Dean, C. Williams

4. Prediction of Field-scale Evapotranspiration Using Process Based Modeling and Geostatistical Time-series Interpolation

Irrigation scheduling depends on the combination of evaporative demand from the atmosphere, spatial and temporal heterogeneity in soil properties and changes in crop canopy during a growing season. This on-farm trial is based on data collected in 72-acre processing tomato field in Central Valley of California. The Multiband Spectrometric Arable Mark 2 sensors at three different locations in the field. Multispectral and thermal imagery provided by Ceres Imaging were collected eight times during... G. Jha, F. Nazrul, M. Nocco, M. Pagé fortin, B. Whitaker, D. Diaz, A. Gal, R. Schmidt

5. Advancing Adaptive Agricultural Strategies: Unraveling Impacts of Climate Change and Soils on Corn Productivity Using APSIM

With unprecedented challenges to achieve sustainable crop productivity under climate change and dynamic soil conditions, adaptive management strategies are required for optimizing cropping systems. Using sensors, cropping systems can be continuously monitored and the data collected by them can be analyzed for making informed adaptive management decisions to enhance productivity and environmental sustainability. But sensors can only tell the past and decisions bring implications into the future.... H. Pathak, C.J. Warren, D. Buckmaster, D.R. Wang

6. Machine Learning Algorithms in Detecting Long-term Effect of Climatic Factors for Alfalfa Production in Kansas

The water levels of the Ogallala Aquifer are depleting so much that agricultural land returns in Kansas are expected to drop by $34.1 million by 2050. It is imperative to understand how frequent droughts and the contrasting rates of groundwater withdrawal and recharge are affected by climate shifts in Kansas. Alfalfa, the ‘Queen of Forages’, is a water demanding crop which supplies high nutritional feed for beef industry that offered Kansas producers a $500 million production value... F. Nazrul, J. Kim, S. Dey, S. Palla, D. Sihi, B. Whitaker, G. Jha

7. 3D Computer Vision with a Spatial-temporal Neural Network for Lameness Detection of Sows

The lameness of sows is one of the biggest concerns for swine producers, which can lead to considerable economic losses due to reduced productivity and welfare. There is a real need for early detection of lameness in sows to enable timely intervention and minimize loss. Currently, lame detection relies on visual observation and locomotion scoring of sows, which is subjective, labor-intensive, and difficult to conduct for large groups of animals within a short time. This study presents 3D computer... Y. Wang, Y. Lu, D. Morris, M. Benjamin, M. Lavagnino, J. Mcintyre