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Franco, H.C
Roberts, R.K
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Rodrigues Jr., F.A
Magalhães, P.S
Franco, H.C
Cerri, D.G
Thompson, N.M
Larson, J.A
English, B.C
Lambert, D.M
Roberts, R.K
Velandia, M
Wang, C
Larson, J.A
Mooney, D.F
Roberts, R.K
English, B.C
Velandia, M
Mooney, D.F
Roberts, R.K
English, B.C
Larson, J.A
Lambert, D.M
Larkin, S.L
Marra, M.C
Rejesus, R
Martin, S.W
Paxton, K.W
Mishra, A
Wang, C
Segarra, E
Reeves, J.M
Harper, D.C
Lambert, D.M
English, B.C
Larson, J.A
Roberts, R.K
Velandia, M
Mooney, D.F
Larkin, S.L
Sanches, G.M
Graziano Magalhães, P.S
Franco, H.C
Remacre, A.Z
Graziano Magalhães, P.S
Sanches, G.M
Kolln, O.T
Franco, H.C
Braunbeck, O.A
Driemeier, C
Kolln, O.T
Sanches, G.M
Rossi Neto, J
Castro, S.G
Mariano, E
Otto, R
Inamasu, R
Magalhães, P.S
Braunbeck, O.A
Franco, H.C
Castro, S.G
Kolln, O.T
Nakao, H.S
Franco, H.C
Braunbeck, O
Graziano Magalhães, P.S
Sanches, G.M
Castro, S.G
Sanches, G.M
Cardoso, G.M
Silva, A.E
Franco, H.C
Magalhães, P.S
Sanches, G.M
Kolln, O.T
Franco, H.C
Magalhaes, P.S
Duft, D.G
Sanches, G.M
Amaral, L.R
Pitrat, T
Brasco, T
Magalhaes, P.S
Duft, D.G
Franco, H.C
Sanches, G.M
Cardoso, T.F
Chagas, M.F
Luciano, A.C
Duft, D.G
Magalhães, P.S
Franco, H.C
Bonomi, A
Sanches, G.M
Magalhães, P.S
Franco, H.C
Remacre, A.Z
Modeling and Geo-statistics
Profitability, Sustainability and Adoption
Profitability, Sustainability, and Adoption
Precision Nutrient Management
Proximal Sensing in Precision Agriculture
Spatial Variability in Crop, Soil and Natural Resources
Precision Nutrient Management
Precision Nutrient Management
Big Data Mining & Statistical Issues in Precision Agriculture
Proximal Sensing in Precision Agriculture
Precision Agriculture and Global Food Security
Site-Specific Nutrient, Lime and Seed Management
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Filter results14 paper(s) found.

1. A Computer Decision Aid For The Cotton Precision Agriculture Investment Decision

This article introduces the Cotton Precision Agriculture Investment Decision Aid (CPAIDA), a software decision tool for analyzing the precision agriculture investment decision. CPAIDA was developed to provide improved educational information about precision farming equipment ownership costs, and the required returns to pay for their investment. The partial budgeting and breakeven analysis framework is documented along with use of the decision aid. With care in specifying values, program users... J.A. Larson, D.F. Mooney, R.K. Roberts, B.C. English

2. Cotton Precision Farming Adoption In The Southern United States: Findings From A 2009 Survey

The objectives of this study were 1) to determine the status of precision farming technology adoption by cotton producers in 12 states and 2) to evaluate changes in cotton precision farming technology adoption between 2000 and 2008. A mail survey of cotton producers located in Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Louisiana, Mississippi, Missouri, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas and Virginia was conducted in February and March of 2009 to establish the use of precision farming technologies... M. Velandia, D.F. Mooney, R.K. Roberts, B.C. English, J.A. Larson, D.M. Lambert, S.L. Larkin, M.C. Marra, R. Rejesus, S.W. Martin, K.W. Paxton, A. Mishra, C. Wang, E. Segarra, J.M. Reeves

3. Adoption And Perceived Usefulness Of Precision Soil Sampling Information In Cotton Production

  Soil testing assists farmers in identifying nutrient variability to optimize input placement and timing. Anecdotal evidence suggests that soil test information has a useful life of 3–4 years. However, perceived usefulness may depend on a variety of factors, including field variability, farmer experience and education, farm size, Extension, and factors indirectly related to farming. In 2009, a survey of cotton farmers in 12 Southeastern states collected information... D.C. Harper, D.M. Lambert, B.C. English, J.A. Larson, R.K. Roberts, M. Velandia, D.F. Mooney, S.L. Larkin

4. Using Soil Attributes To Model Sugar Cane Quality Parameters

The crop area of sugar cane production in Brazil has increased substantially in the last few years, especially to meet the global bioethanol demand. Such increasing production should take place not only in new sugar cane crop areas but mainly with the goal of improving the quality of raw material like sugar content (Pol). Hence, models that can describe the behaviour of the quality parameters of sugar cane may be important to understand the effects of the soil attributes on those parameters. The... F.A. Rodrigues jr., P.S. Magalhães, H.C. Franco, D.G. Cerri

5. The Adoption of Information Technologies and Subsequent Changes in Input Use in Cotton Production

The use of precision farming has become increasingly important in cotton production. It allows farmers to take advantage of knowledge about infield variability by applying expensive inputs at levels appropriate to crop needs. Essential to the success of the precision... N.M. Thompson, J.A. Larson, B.C. English, D.M. Lambert, R.K. Roberts, M. Velandia, C. Wang

6. Multivariate Geostatistics As A Tool To Estimate Physical And Chemical Soil Properties With Reduced Sampling In Area Planted With Sugarcane

Precision Agriculture (PA) can be described as a set of tools and techniques applied to agriculture in order to enable localized production management, considering the spatial and temporal variability of crop fields. Among the numerous existing tools, one of the most important ones is the use of geostatistics, whose main objective is the description of spatial patterns and estimation data in non-sampled places. Nowadays, one of the most limiting factors to the... G.M. Sanches, P.S. Graziano magalhaes, H.C. Franco, A.Z. Remacre

7. Precision Agriculture In Sugarcane Production. A Key Tool To Understand Its Variability.

Precision agriculture (PA) for sugarcane represents an important tool to manage local application of fertilizers, mainly because sugarcane is third in fertilizer consumption among Brazilian crops, after soybean and corn. Among the limiting factors detected for PA adoption in the sugarcane industry, one could mention the cropping system complexity, data handling costs, and lack of appropriate decision support systems. The objective of our research group has... P.S. Graziano magalhães, G.M. Sanches, O.T. Kolln, H.C. Franco, O.A. Braunbeck, C. Driemeier

8. Optical Sensors To Predict Nitrogen Demand By Sugarcane

The low effectiveness of nitrogen (N) from fertilizer is a substantial concern in worldwide which has been threatening the sustainability of sugarcane production. The increment of nitrogen use efficiency (NUE) by sugarcane genotypes associated to the best practices of fertilizer management and nutritional diagnosis methods have higher potential to reduce environment impacts of nitrogen fertilization. Due to the difficult to determine N status in soil test as well as there is not... O.T. Kolln, G.M. Sanches, J. Rossi neto, S.G. Castro, E. Mariano, R. Otto, R. Inamasu, P.S. Magalhães, O.A. Braunbeck, H.C. Franco

9. The Most Sensitive Growth Stage To Quantify Nitrogen Stress In Sugarcane Using Active Crop Canopy Sensor

The use of sensors that allow the application of nitrogen fertilizer at variable rate has been widely used by researchers in many agricultural crops, but without success in sugarcane, probably due to the difficulty of diagnosing the nutritional status of the crop for nitrogen (N). Active crop canopy sensors are based on the principle that the spectral reflectance curve of the leaves are modified by N level. Researchers in USA indicated that in-season N stress in corn can be detected... S.G. Castro, O.T. Kolln, H.S. Nakao, H.C. Franco, O. Braunbeck, P.S. Graziano magalhães, G.M. Sanches

10. Use of Crop Canopy Reflectance Sensor in Management of Nitrogen Fertilization in Sugarcane in Brazil

Given the difficulty to determine N status in soil testing and lack of crop parameters to recommend N for sugarcane in Brazil raise the necessity of identify new methods to find crop requirement to improve the N use efficiency. Crop canopy sensor, such as those used to measure indirectly chlorophyll content as N status indicator, can be used to monitor crop nutritional demand. The objective of this experiment was to assess the nutritional status of the sugarcane fertilized with different nitrogen... S.G. Castro, G.M. Sanches, G.M. Cardoso, A.E. Silva, H.C. Franco, P.S. Magalhães

11. Translating Data into Knowledge - Precision Agriculture Database in a Sugarcane Production.

The advent of Information Technology in agriculture, surveying and data collection became a simple task, starting the era of "Big Data" in agricultural production. Currently, a large volume of data and information associated with the plant, soil and climate are collected quick and easily. These factors influence productivity, operating costs, investments and environment impacts. However, a major challenge for this area is the transformation of data and information... G.M. Sanches, O.T. Kolln, H.C. Franco, P.S. Magalhaes, D.G. Duft

12. Apparent Electrical Conductivity Sensors and Their Relationship with Soil Properties in Sugarcane Fields

One important tool within the technological precision agriculture (PA) package are the apparent electrical conductivity (ECa) sensors. This kind of sensor shows the ability in mapping soil physicochemical variability quickly, with high resolution and at low cost. However, the adoption of this technology in Brazil is not usual, particularly on sugarcane fields. A major issue for farmers is the applicability of ECa, how to convert ECa data in knowledge that may assist the producer in decision-making... G.M. Sanches, L.R. Amaral, T. Pitrat, T. Brasco, P.S. Magalhaes, D.G. Duft, H.C. Franco

13. Economic and Environmental Impacts in Sugarcane Production to Meet the Brazilian Ethanol Demands by 2030: The Role of Precision Agriculture

The agreement signed at COP-21 reaffirms the vital compromise of Brazil with sugarcane and ethanol production. To meet the established targets, the ethanol production should be 54 billion liters in 2030. From the agronomic standpoint, two alternatives are possible; increase the planted area and/or agricultural yield. The present study aimed to evaluate the economic and environmental impacts in sugarcane production meeting the established targets in São Paulo state. In this context, were... G.M. Sanches, T.F. Cardoso, M.F. Chagas, A.C. Luciano, D.G. Duft, P.S. Magalhães, H.C. Franco, A. Bonomi

14. Potential of Apparent Soil Electrical Conductivity to Describe Soil Spatial Variability in Brazilian Sugarcane Fields

The soil apparent electrical conductivity (ECa) has been highlighted in the literature as a tool with high potential to map the soil fertility of fields. However, sugarcane fields still lack results that show the applicability of this information to define the soil spatial variability and its fertility conditions. The objective of the present paper was to provide a comprehensive assessment of the relationship between ECa, evaluated by electromagnetic induction (EMI) sensor, and the spatial variability... G.M. Sanches, P.S. Magalhães, H.C. Franco, A.Z. Remacre