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Analytical and Technological Advancements for Soybean Quality Mapping and Economic Differentiation
1A. Prestholt, 2C. Hernandez, 2I. Ciampitti , 1P. Kyveryga
1. Iowa Soybean Association
2. Kansas State University

In the past, measuring soybean protein and oil content required the collection of soybean seed samples and laboratory analyses. Modern on-the-go near-infrared (NIR) sensing technologies during the harvest and proximal remote sensing (aerial and satellite imagery) before harvest time can be used to provide an early estimate of seed quality levels, benchmark in-season predictions with at-harvest final seed quality and enable seed differentiation for farmers leading to better marketing strategies.

Recent pilot studies in Iowa and Kansas have utilized an on-the-go NIR sensor to map protein at harvest, as well as use proximal remote sensing to build maps of soybean protein and oil prediction before end of the season. In total, over 80 farmer fields have been hand sampled between 2018 and 2021. The NIR on-the-go sensor collected NIR spectra during the soybean harvest and was calibrated using hand collected soybean seed samples that were sent to a laboratory for analysis. This calibration of the sensor has allowed the production of some of the first at harvest soybean protein maps. For all the hand samples taken out of the fields, management data was collected along with aerial and satellite imagery during the growing season. The protein and oil laboratory results were combined in a dataset with soybean yield, field management, weather, and soil data. Analytical and machine learning tools utilized this dataset to predict soybean protein content which was then extrapolated to create protein prediction maps for quality differentiation within a field. To assist farmers in decision making, a beta version of the Soybean Quality Differentiation and Economic Simulator was developed to simulate potential return based on protein premium payments. The dynamic decision aid tool will also factor in soybean market grain prices, input and transportation costs, yield changes, and other associated costs/cost sharing that comes along with producing higher quality soybeans. With advancements in precision ag technology and remote sensing, soybean quality differentiation at harvest is becoming a reality which leads to a competitive marketing advantage for farmers selling their soybeans into the market.

Keyword: Soybean quality mapping, remote sensing, NIR on-the-go sensor , economic analyses, decision support tool