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Remote Sensing Application / Sensor Technology
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Alchnatis, V
Casanova, J.L
Cohen, Y
DeFauw, S.L
English, P.J
Fisher, D.K
Foster, P.N
Fraile, S
Fritz, B.K
Hanks, J.E
Hoffmann, W.C
Huang, Y
Jukema, J.N
Lan, Y
López, J.D
Martin, D.E
Meron, M
Moclán, C
Orlov, V
P.W Clevers, J.G
Romo, A
Sanz, J
Thomson, S.J
Tsipris, J
Wijnholds, K.H
Zimba, P.V
Remote Sensing Application / Sensor Technology
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Filter results5 paper(s) found.

1. Development of an Airborne Remote Sensing System for Aerial Applicators

An airborne remote sensing system was developed and tested for recording aerial images of field crops, which were analyzed for variations of crop health or pest infestation. The multicomponent system consists of a multi-spectral camera system, a camera control system, and a radiometer for normalizing images. To overcome the difficulties currently associated with correlating imagery data with what is actually occurring on the ground (a process known as ground truthing); a hyperspectral reflect... Y. Lan, Y. Huang, D.E. Martin, W.C. Hoffmann, B.K. Fritz, J.D. López

2. Precision Farming by Means of Remote Sensing.

In order to improve the wine quality a study has been carried out on a vineyard. From two different types of satellite images, 5 products have been obtained and represented in maps. DMC-UK images, with a resolution of 32 meters and QUICK-BIRD images, with a resolution of 0.6 meters have been used. Through the bands of these images, the following products were obtained: the NDVI, with which users find out which zones in their estates have the worst condition; Mean Vegetation State, which is a ... J.L. Casanova, S. Fraile, A. Romo, J. Sanz, C. Moclán

3. Remote Sensing-based Biomass Maps for an Efficient Use of Fertilizers

For decades the main objective of farmers was to get the highest yields from their farmland. Nowadays, quality of agricultural products is becoming more and more important for the largest returns. In addition, the effects on our environment are also becoming important. These put increasing limitations on modern agriculture. So-called site-specific management can optimize the input of, for instance, nutrients and pesticides to the need of the plants. In this study, the objective was to study w... J.G. P.w clevers, K.H. Wijnholds, J.N. Jukema

4. Thermal Characterization and Spatial Analysis of Water Stress in Cotton (Gossypium Hirsutum L.) and Phytochemical Composition Related to Water Stress in Soybean (Glycine Max)

Studies were designed to explore spatial relationships of water and/or heat stress in cotton and soybeans and to assess factors that may influence yield potential. Investigations focused on detecting the onset of water/heat stress in row crops using thermal and multispectral imagery with ancillary physicochemical data such as soil moisture status and photosynthetic pigment concentrations. One cotton field with gradations in soil texture showed distinct patterns in thermal imagery, matching pa... S.J. Thomson, S.L. Defauw, P.J. English, J.E. Hanks, D.K. Fisher, P.N. Foster, P.V. Zimba

5. Crop Water Stress Mapping for Site Specific Irrigation by Thermal Imagery and Artificial Reference Surfaces

Variable rate irrigation machines or solid set systems have become technically feasible; however, crop water status mapping is necessary as a blueprint to match irrigation quantities to site-specific crop water demands. Remote thermal sensing can provide these maps in sufficient detail and at a timely delivery. In a set of aerial and ground scans at the Hula Valley, Israel, digital crop water stress maps were generated using geo-referenced high- resolution thermal imagery and artificial refer... M. Meron, J. Tsipris, V. Orlov, V. Alchnatis, Y. Cohen