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Spatial Variability in Crop, Soil and Natural Resources
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Acevedo, E
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Allphin, E
Antuniassi, U
Baghernejad, M
Baio, F
Baio, F
Baio, F
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Bartzanas, T
Biscaro, A
Bochtis, D
Borchert, A
Brodbeck, C.J
Bryan, W
Carrow, R
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Cerri, D.G
Cerri, D.G
Chantuma, D
Chen, L
Chen, L
Chen, L
Clarke, A
Cline, V
Coen, T
Cointault, F
Congona Benavente, J
Cranfield, G
Cugnasca, C.E
Darr, M.J
De Baerdemaeker, J
Debuisson, S
Del Solar, D.E
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Emadi, M.M
Esau, T.J
Esau, T.J
Farooque, A.A
Fergugson, R.B
Flitcroft, I
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Fritz, B.K
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Fulton, J.P
Fulton, J.P
Fusamura, R
Green, O
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Kodaira, M
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Norwood, S.H
Ohaba, M
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Ortega, R.A
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Paindavoine, M
Pena-Yewtukhiw, E.M
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Percival, D.C
Pravia, V
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Rodrigues Jr, F
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Shaner, D
Shapiro, C.A
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Sharda, A
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Shibusawa, S
Shibusawa, S
Shibusawa, S
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Shibusawa, S
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Stombaugh, T
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Sunley, S
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Engineering Technologies and Advances
Spatial Variability in Crop, Soil and Natural Resources
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Filter results49 paper(s) found.

1. Spectral Discrimination Of Early Dchinochloa Crasgalli And Echinochloa Crusgalli In Corn And Soybean By Using Support Vector Machines

    The key to realize precise chemical application is weed identification. This paper introduces a kind of multi-classification mode based on Support Vector Machines (SVM) and one-against-one-algorithm for weed seedlings (Dchinochloa crasgalli, and Echinochloa crusgalli) in corn and soybean fields. A handheld FieldSpec® 3 Spectroradiometer manufactured by ASD Inc., in USA was used to measure the spectroscopic data of the canopies of the seedlings of corn, soy... W. Deng, G. Wu

2. Performance Evaluation Of A Prototype Variable Rate Sprayer For Spot- Application Of Agrochemicals In Wild Blueberry Fields

  Wild blueberry yields are highly dependent on agrochemicals for adequate weed control. The excessive use of agrochemicals with uniform application in significant bare spots and plant areas has resulted in increased cost of production. A cost-effective automated prototype variable rate (VR) sprayer was developed for spot-application (SA) of agrochemicals in a specific section of the sprayer boom where the weeds have been detected. The weed patches were mapped with an RTK-... Q. Zaman, A.W. Schumann, D.C. Percival, T.J. Esau, S.M. Read

3. Development Of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles For Site-specific Crop Production Management

... Y. Huang, W.C. Hoffmann, Y. Lan, S.J. Thomson, B.K. Fritz

4. Optical Based Sugarcane Yield Monitors

Several different optical sensors were investigated to detect sugarcane yield on a billet type sugarcane harvester. These sensors included an over-head optical sensor and a below-the-conveyor sensor. Both sensors indicated mass flow rate from a volume measurement of the cane on the conveyor slats. Both systems gave good results with linear line calibration equations and adjusted R-square values from 0.96 to 0.97. Weight wagon weights in the 0.6 to 1.6 metric ton range were estimated to 7.5% o... R. Price, R.M. Johnson, R.P. Viator

5. A Comparison Of Conventional And Sensor-based Lime Requirement Maps

Successful variable-rate applications of agricultural inputs, such as lime, rely on quality of input data. Systematic soil sampling is... A.K. Jonjak, V.I. Adamchuk, C.S. Wortmann, C.A. Shapiro, R.B. Fergugson

6. Development Of A System For Site-specific Nematicide Placement In Cotton

Nematode distribution varies significantly in cotton fields. Population density throughout a field is highly correlated to soil texture. Field-wide application of a uniform nematicide rate results in the chemical being applied to areas without nematodes or where nematode densities are below an economic threshold, or the application of sub-effective levels in areas with high nematode densities. The investigators have developed a “Site- Specific Nematicide Placement”... A. Khalilian, W. Henderson, J. Mueller, T. Kirkpatrick, S. Monfort, C. Overstreet

7. On-the-go Condition Mapping For Harvesting Machinery

In recent years control systems have been used to alleviate the task of harvesting machinery operators. Automation allows the operator to spend more time on other tasks such as coordinating transport. Moreover, such control systems guarantee constant performance throughout the day whereas an operator gets tired. The perfect control system anticipates on the harvest condition, just like an experienced operator would. The operator makes a visual assessment of the condition in terms of... T. Coen, J. De baerdemaeker, W. Saeys

8. A Clustering Approach For Management Zone Delineation In Precision Agriculture

In recent years, an increasing amount of research has been devoted to the delineation of management zones. There have been quite a number of approaches towards using small-scale data for subdividing the field into a small number of zones, usually three or four. However, these zones are usually static, often require multi-year data sets and are based on low-resolution sampling methods for data acquisition. Furthermore, existing research into th... G. Ru, M. Schneider, R. Kruse

9. On The Go Soil Sensor For Soil Ec Mapping

This paper describes spatial variation maps of soil electrical conductivity (EC) obtained by both spectroscopic and capacitance methods using on the go soil sensor ( a real-time soil sensor -RTSS) SAS 1000, commercialized by Shibuya Kogyo Co. The experiments were conducted over a 2 year period on an experimental Hokkaido farm with an alluvial soil type. The comparison in soil EC records between the spectroscopy and the capacitance were also discussed. The spectroscopic approach used the soi... N. Sulastri, S. Shibusawa, M. Kodaira

10. Study On Application Of Wireless Sensor Networks For Precision Agriculture

  Abstract: The use of sensor network to achieve soil moisture real-time detection can provide the decision-making basis for precision agriculture. In this... G. Xu, L. Chen, R. Zhang, J. Guo, Y. Wang

11. Spatial Modelling Of Agricultural Crops For Parallel Loading Operations

There is a trend in agricultural engineering towards high-performance harvesting machines with growing operating width and throughput. As much as performance and throughput are rising, the transportation units are characterized by increasing transportation volume. If harvesting and transport are combined in parallel operation (e.g. self-propelled forage harvester), the driver of the harvesting machine and the driver of the transport unit has to pay highest attention to the loading p... G. Happich, T. Lang, H. Harms

12. Using Multiplex® And GreenseekerTM To Manage Spatial Variation Of Vine Vigor In Champagne

Sébastien Debuisson1, Marine Le Moigne2, Mathieu Grelier1, Sébastien Evain2, Laurent Panigai1, Zoran G. Cerovic3 1CIVC, 5 rue Henri-Martin, boîte postale 135, Epernay, France 2Force-A, Université Paris Sud, Bât 503, Orsa... S. Debuisson, L. Marine

13. Spatial Mapping Of Penetrometer Resistance On Turfgrass Soils For Site-specific Cultivation

Site-specific management requires site-specific information.  Soil compaction at field capacity is a major stress on recreational turfgrass sites that requires frequent cultivation. Spatial mapping of penet... K. Rice, T. Carson, J. Krum, I. Flitcroft, V. Cline, R. Carrow

14. Nitrogen Loss In Corn Production Varies As A Function Of Topsoil Depth

  Understanding availability and loss potential of nitrogen for varying topsoil depths of poorly-drained claypan soil landscapes could help producers make improve decisions when managing crops for feed grain or bio-fuels.  While it has been well documented that topsoil depth on these soils plays an important role in storing water for crop growth, it is not well known how this same soil... E. Allphin, N.R. Kitchen, K.A. Suddeth, A. Thompson

15. The Soil P2O5 Mapping Using The Real Time Soil Sensor

    Many researches related to P­2O5 measurement using Vis-NIR spectroscopy have been performed in laboratory. There are not so many researches to perform on-the-go measurement of P­2O5. One of the researches which performe... M. Kodaira, Y. Nagami, S. Shibusawa, R. Kanda

16. New Power-leds Based Illumination System For Fertilizer Granule Motion Estimation

Environmental problems have become more and more pressing in the past twenty years particularly with the fertilization operation, one main contributor to environmental imbalance. The understanding of the global centrifugal spreading process, most commonly used in Europe, can contribute to provide essential information about fertiliser granule deposition on the soil. This last one can be predicted using a ballistic flight model and several fertilizer characteristic’s determinat... F. Cointault, B. Hijazi, J. Dubois, J. Vangeyte, M. Paindavoine

17. Prediction Of Soil Moisture Content And Penetration Resistance Using Real-time Soil Meter

A real-time soil compaction meter that refers to the air injection subsoiler, is developed.  The final goal is to predict standarized soil compaction that is converted from soil moisture content, working resistance and working speed.  This experiment confirmed performance of predicting the soil moisture content and of measuring the working resistance was conducted.  The equipments of the meter are a working resistance measurement device received from the soil and a spectroscope... T. Kaho, M. Kodaira, S. Shibusawa

18. Precision Agricultural Branding Using Near-infrared Spectroscopy System

... Y. Kojima, S. Shibusawa, R. Fusamura, M. Sonoda

19. Developing Of A Monitoring System Of Cutting, Carrying, And Transportation Of Sugar Cane In Order To Manage Fleet

In the productive process for obtaining sugar cane products, the costs associated to the activities of harvesting (cut), carrying and transport (CCT), represent great part of the final cost of the product. In order to reduce this costs new technologies should be adopted in the agricultural mechanization using precision agriculture methods. The use of the information technology combined with the use of intelligent components can help to improve the performance of machines and equipments ... D.G. Cerri, P.S. Magalh

20. Spatial Variability Analyse And Correlation Between Physical Chemical Soil Attributes And Sugarcane Quality Parameters

With the high increment in the ethanol demand, the trend is that the planted area with sugar cane in Brazil will increase from the actual 7 million ha up to 12 million ha in 15 years. The sugar cane expansion demands, beyond the enlargement of the boundaries with the installation of new industrial units, better use of the production areas and improvement of the yield and quality, together with production costs reduction. In such a way, the adoption of Precision Ag... F. Rodrigues jr, P.S. Maglh, D.G. Cerri

21. Dozen Parameters Soil Mapping Using The Real-time Soil Sensor

 A Real-time soil sensor (RTSS) can be predicted soil parameters using near-infrared underground soil reflectance sensor in commercial farms. ... M. Kodaira, S. Shibusawa, K. Ninomiya

22. Spatial Variability Of Measured Soil Properties Across Site- Specific Management Zones

The spatial variation of productivity across farm fields can be classified by delineating site-specific management zones. Since productivity is influenced by soil characteristics, the spatial pattern of productivity could be caused by a corresponding variation in certain soil properties. Determining the source of variation in productivity can help achieve more effective site-specific management, the objectives of this study were (i) to characterize the spatial variability of soil physical pro... M. Mzuku, R. Khosla, R. Reich, G. Http://icons.paqinteractive.com/16x16/ac, F. Smith, L. Macdonald

23. Spatial-temporal Management Zones For Biomass Moisture

 Biomass handling operations (harvesting, raking, collection, and transportation) are critical operations within the agricultural production system since they constitute the first link in the biomass supply chain, a fact of substantial importance considering the increasingly involvement of biomass in bio-refinery and bio-energy procedures. Nevertheless, the inherent uncertainty, imposed by the interaction between environmental, biological, and machinery factors, makes the available sched... S. Fountas, D. Bochtis, C. Sorensen, O. Green, R. J, T. Bartzanas

24. Evaluation And Contrast Of An Auto Guidance System Operating On A Sugar Cane Harvester In Brazil

The change on the harvesting sugar cane operation from the manual to mechanized cut  increased the amount of sugar cane cut by the mill per day, but the operation increased the cane loss, which is left behind on the field. The purpose of this work was to contrast the accuracy achiev... F. Baio

25. Interaction Between Air Spray Drift And Climatic Conditions Creating Drift Map Related To The Aerial Application Of Pesticides Using Low Volumes In Brazil

Between 30 to 50% of the pesticides total applied over agricultural areas can be lost by the air, depending of the applying conditions, by the spray drift action. This spray drift problem is increased when the field is too close to the urban locations, bringing environmental contamination, and when the application is made with oil on the tank mixture. The society demands ... F. Baio, U. Antuniassi

26. Computer Model By A Linear Program And Via Internet To Select Agricultural Mechanized Systems Based On The Smallest Operational Cost

Computer programs have been used to help the farmers on the fleet selection. However, these computing models are based on the previous choice of the mechanized system made by the user. On this context, the purpose of this work was to develop a free computer model by a linear program and via internet to select agricultural mechanized systems ... F. Baio, ,

27. An Inter-connection Model Between Standard Zigbee And Isobus Network (ISO11783)

The typical five-step cyclical process of precision agriculture includes soil and environment data collection, diagnosis, data analysis, precision field correction operation and evaluations. Usually, some steps are executed in field, others in the farm office and others in both. This can result in a complex system and consequently in waste of time and high cost in equipment, tools and workmanship. To simplify this process, the challenge is ... M.F. Barros, C.E. Cugnasca, J. Congona benavente

28. A Case Study For Variable-rate Seeding Of Corn And Cotton In The Tennessee Valley Of Alabama

      Farmers have recently become more interested in implementing variable-rate seeding of corn and cotton in Alabama due to increasing seed costs and the potential to maximize yields site-specifically due to inherent field variability.  Therefore, an on-farm case study was conducted to evaluate the feasibility of variable-rate seeding for a corn and cotton rotation.... S.H. Norwood, J.P. Fulton, A.T. Winstead, J.N. Shaw, D. Rodekohr, C.J. Brodbeck, T. Macy

29. Estimating Soil Moisture And Organic Matter Content Variabality Using Electromagnatic Induction Metod

  Abstract: Electromagnetic induction (EMI) methods are gaining popularity due to their non-destructive nature, rapid response and ease of integration into mobile platforms for assessment of the soil moisture content, water table depth, and salinity etc. The objective of this study was to estimate and map soil moisture content and organic matter content using Dua... A. Farooque, Q. Zaman, A.W. Schumann, D.C. Percival, T.J. Esau, T. Stauffer

30. Tools For Evaluating The Potential Of Automatic Section Control

One of the newest technologies in precision agriculture is automatic section control on application equipment. This technology has tremendous potential to reduce wasted inputs, especially on irregularly shaped fields. Paybacks are not necessarily as great on rectangular fields. Producers considering adoption of the technology need to decide whether they will receive sufficient payback for their field shapes. They must also d... T. Stombaugh, R.S. Zandonadi, J.D. Luck, T.P. Mcdonald, T. Mcgraw

31. Rhizosphere Moisture Modulation By Water Head Precision Control

Abstract: A digital irrigation microcomputer system, designed to modulate rhizosphere moisture using ... M. Ohaba, S. Shibusawa

32. Application Rate Stability When Implementing Automatic Section Control Technology On Agricultural Sprayers

Automatic section control (on and off) technology of sprayer boom sections is an intelligent solution to maximize spray application efficiency during field operations. This technology can reduce over-application of products. Spray controllers available with this technology attempt to maintain the set target rate by adjusting system flow rate based on ground speed and application width.  Therefore, as sections are turned on or off, the flow regulating hardware must respond to m... A. Sharda, J.D. Luck, J.P. Fulton, S.A. Shearer, S.A. Shearer, D. Mullenix, M. Vanacht

33. Assessment Of The Success Of Variable Rate Seeding Based On EMI Maps

  Good plant establishment is the critical first step in growing a crop. To achieve this, the correct seed rate must be calculate. This is done by assessing the optimum target plant population per m² and then making an estimate of any  losses over winter. Losses will depend on the quality of seedbed created which is related to texture, stoniness and compaction of the soil. If there is any variation in these field characteristics then the correct see... S. Griffin, M. Darr

34. Spatio-temporal Analysis Of Atrazine Degradation And Associated Attributes In Eastern Colorado Soils

Atrazine catabolism is an example of a rapidly evolved soil microbial adaptation. In the last 20 years, atrazine-degrading bacteria have become globally distributed, and many soils have developed enhanced capacities to degrade atrazine, reducing its half-life from 60 to a few days or less. While the presence of atrazine-degrading bacteria determine a soil's potential to catabolize at... M. Stromberger, R. Khosla, D. Shaner, D. Zach

35. Energy-efficient Wireless Sensor Network System For Soil Moisture Information Collecting

Collecting field soil moisture information is the foundation of auto-irrigation. This paper introduced a soil moisture information collecting system based on wireless sensor network (WSN) technology and with application background of automatic drip irrigation for cotton field. Firstly, application background was analyzed and application requirement was defined. The system worked together with a drip irrigation system in cotton field. After study, it was found that the output of soil moisture ... R. Zhang, L. Chen, J. Guo, J.G. Warren, J.G. Warren

36. Validation Of On-the-go Soil Ph-measurements – Primary Results From Germany

Until recently in-field variability for soil pH could not be considered for agronomic decisions (e.g. liming rates) because reliable spatial information was hardly available. The required density of soil pH-measurements could not be achieved by manual soil sampling due to time constraints and analysis costs for the vast number of samples. A compreh... H. Olfs, D. Trautz, A. Borchert

37. Carbohydrate Reserves On Tapping Systems And Production Of Hevea Brasiliensis

CARBOHYDRATE RESERVES ON TAPPING SYSTEMS AND PRODUCTION OF Hevea brasiliensis Chantuma P1., Lacointe A2., Kasempsap P3., Thanysawanyangkura S4., Gohet E5., Clément A6., Guilliot A7., Améglio T2., Thaler P8. and Chantuma A1. 1 Agriculture Scientist Senior, Chachoengsao Rubber Research Center, RRIT-DOA, Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperative, Sanam Chai Ket, Thailand. 2 INRA, UMR 547 PIAF, F-60100 Clermont-Ferrand, France. 3 Departmen... D. Chantuma, M. Zaller

38. Design And Construction Of A Computer Aided Control And Monitoring System For Greenhouses

ABSTRACT High expenditure is one the major disadvantages of using human or labor work force in agriculture division. Lack of accurate and precise processing, low working speed and the effect of physical tiredness on their efficiency are same other disadvantages. Using modern technology and replacing human work force with the automated mechanisms and instruments or intelligent machinery leads to the reduction of these expenses, enhancement of precision, accuracy and work speed ... A. Sanaei

39. Spatial Variability Of Important Soil Characteristics In Semiarid Ecosystems, A Case Study In Arsanjan Plain, Southern Iran

Timely information on the content and distribution of key soil nutrients in highly calcareous ecosystems is vital to support precision agriculture. Efficient tools to measure within-field spatial variation in soil are important when establishing agricultural field trials and in precision farming. Therefore, soil samples were collected at 0-30 cm depth in highly calcareous soils (Arsanjan plain) and chemically analyzed for nitrate (NO3-), e... M.P. Baghernejad, M.M. Emadi

40. Does Pasture Longevity Under Direct Grazing Affect Field-scale Sorghum Yield Spatial Variability In Crop-pasture Rotation Systems?

Crop yield spatial variability is usually related to terrain attributes and soil properties. In pasture systems, soil properties are affected by animal grazing. However, soil and terrain attributes relation with crop yield variability has not been assessed in crop-pasture rotat... V. Pravia, J.A. Terra, Roel

41. Application Of A Canopy Multisensor

The MobilLas mobile canopy sensor was initially developed for variable rate fertilisation and plant protection. Because of the several canopy variables sensed the sensor has wider application in crop and soil variability studies, detailed crop water balance studies, spatial modelling of p... A. Thomsen, K. Schelde

42. Site-specific Phosphorus And Potassium Fertilization Of Alfalfa: Fertilizer Usage And Sampling Density Comparison

Alfalfa accounts for the largest cropping area in both the High Desert and Intermountain regions in California, and the use of site-specific management (SSM) can potentially improve farmers’ fertilization practices and crop nutritional status. These areas have limited to no studies regarding nutrient SSM, and variable rate (VR) fertilizer application has not been commonly used by farmers in either area. Considerable range of soil nutrient levels have... A. Biscaro, S. Orloff

43. Impact Of Winter Grazing On Forage Biomass Topography Soil Strength Spatial Relationships

Spatial relationships between soil properties, forage productivity, and landscape can be used to manage site-specific grazing. Soil penetration resistance and forage biomass were collected for three years in winter grazing experiment. The three ha experimental area was divided into six paddocks, hay was cut twice per year in the months of May and June, and forage stockpiled after the second cutting. Animals were admitted to paddocks at the end of November, at a stocking r... E.M. Pena-yewtukhiw, D. Mata-padrino, W. Bryan

44. Spatial Variability Of Spikelet Sterility In Temperate Rice In Chile

Spikelet sterility (blanking) causes large economic losses to rice farmers in Chile. The most common varieties are susceptible to low air and water temperatures during pollen formation and flowering, which is the main responsible for the large year to year variation observed in terms of blanking and, therefore, of grain yield. The present work had for objective to study the spatial variability of spikelet sterility within two rice fields, during two consecutive seasons, and relate it to water... R.A. Ortega, D.E. Del solar, E. Acevedo

45. Spatial And Temporal Changes In Atrazine Degradation Rates In Soil

Atrazine is a widely used soil-applied herbicide to control many broadleaf and grassy weeds in corn, sugarcane, and non-cropland areas.  Atrazine is also found as a contaminant in surface and ground water.  One of the strengths and weaknesses of atrazine has been the long residual activity in the soil that provides good weed control but also increases the leaching of the herbicide.  In the las... D. Shaner

46. Measuring Multi-depth Soil Moisture Content In A Vertisol Soils With EM38

Over the years, electromagnetic induction sensors, such as EM38, have been used to monitor soil salinity or local electrical conductivity (ECa) and their output has been instrumented in establishing models for depth profiling of ECa. In the previous work both the forward propagation and inverse matrix approaches offered potential to produce depth profiles of soil ECa. However, it remains a question whether EM38 is able to measure v in different depths. This present study concerns itse... B. Hossain

47. Tip Flow Uniformity When Using Different Automatic Section Control Technologies During Field Operations

Automatic section control (ASC) technology provides a means to reduce double-coverage and application in unwanted areas thereby leading to input savings and improved environmental stewardship.  However, the impact of ASC on spray boom dynamics and tip flow uniformity are unknown. Therefore, a study was conducted to evaluate tip flow rate uniformity and control system response in maintaining target application rates during field operation. Field experiments were conducted using two self-p... A. Sharda, J.D. Luck, J.P. Fulton, S.A. Shearer, T.P. Mcdonald, D. Mullenix

48. Spatial Variation Patterns Of Soil Properties And Winter Wheat Growth Parameters In China National Experiment Station For Precison Agriculture

Understanding of spatial patterns of soil properties and crop growth and their relationship is neccesary for variable-rate management of farmland in precision agriculture. This paper presents spatial variation patterns of soil properties such as depth of soil diagnostic horizons, cation exchange capacity, organic matter content, soil solution nutrients concentration, and winter wheat growth and yield parameters in China National Experiment Station for Precison A... X. Xue, L. Chen

49. Attaching Multiple Conductivity Meters To An Atv To Speed Up Precision Agriculture Soil Surveys

Ground conductivity meters are used in a number of precision agriculture applications, including the estimation of water content, nutrient levels, salinity and depth of topsoil. Typically the Geonics EM38 conductivity meter, and to a lesser extent the EM31, are used for soil surveys. Most conductivity surveys involve towing a ground conductivity meter behind an all-terrain vehicle (ATV). In some situations, such as rutted or sloping fields, it is preferable to mount the conductivity meter dir... E. Morris, A. Clarke, S. Sunley, C. Hill, G. Cranfield