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Charvat, K
Vellidis, G
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Ortiz, B.V
Vellidis, G
Balkcom, K
Stone, H
Fulton, J.P
vanSanten, E
Charvat, K
Gnip, P
Charvat, K
Cepicky, J
Gnip, P
Charvat, K
Jezek, J
Musil, M
Krivanek, Z
Gnip, P
Vellidis, G
Lowrance, C
Fountas, S
Liakos, V
Charvat, K
Reznik, T
Charvat jr., K
Lukas, V
Horakova, S
Kepka, M
Charvat, K
Reznik, T
Lukas, V
Charvat Jr., K
Horakova, S
Splichal, M
Kepka, M
Vellidis, G
Liakos, V
Porter, W
Liang, X
Tucker, M.A
Liakos, V
Porter, W
Liang, X
Tucker, M
McLendon, A
Perry, C
Vellidis, G
Liakos, V
Vellidis, G
Lacerda, L
Porter, W
Tucker, M
Cox, C
Charvat, K
Berzins, R
Bergheim, R
Zadrazil, F
Macura, J
Langovskis, D
Snevajs, H
Kubickova, H
Horakova, S
Charvat Jr., K
Charvat, K
Kepka, M
Berzins, R
Zadrazil, F
Langovskis, D
Musil, M
Pokhrel, A
Virk, S
Snider, J.L
Vellidis, G
Parkash, V
Gallios, I
Vellidis, G
Butts, C
Kukal, S
Vellidis, G
Guidance, Robotics, Automation, and GPS Systems
Profitability, Sustainability, and Adoption
Optimizing Farm-level use of Spatial Technologies
Sensor Application in Managing In-season Crop Variability
Decision Support Systems in Precision Agriculture
Standards & Data Stewardship
Precision Agriculture and Climate Change
Engineering Technologies and Advances
Decision Support Systems
Drainage Optimization and Variable Rate Irrigation
Geospatial Data
Drainage Optimization and Variable Rate Irrigation
Applications of Unmanned Aerial Systems
Decision Support Systems
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Filter results15 paper(s) found.

1. Vision Of Farm Of Tomorrow

... K. Charvat, P. Gnip

2. New Geospatial Technologies For Precision Farming

... K. Charvat, J. Cepicky, P. Gnip

3. Vlite Node – New Sensor Technology For Precision Farming

... K. Charvat, J. Jezek, M. Musil, Z. Krivanek, P. Gnip

4. Evaluation of The Advantages of Using GPS-Based Auto-Guidance on Rolling Terrain Peanut Fields

  ... B.V. Ortiz, G. Vellidis, K. Balkcom, H. Stone, J. Fulton, E. Vansanten

5. EZZone - An Online Tool for Delineating Management Zones

Management zones are a pillar of Precision Agriculture research.  Spatial variability is apparent in all fields, and assessing this variability through measurement devices can lead to better management decisions.  The use of Geographic Information Systems for agricultural management is common, especially with management zones.  Although many algorithms have been produced in research settings, no online software for management zone delineation exists.  This research used a common... G. Vellidis, C. Lowrance, S. Fountas, V. Liakos

6. FOODIE Data Model for Precision Agriculture

The agriculture sector is a unique sector due to its strategic importance for both citizens (consumers) and economy (regional and global), which ideally should make the whole sector a network of interacting organizations. The FOODIE project aims at building an open and interoperable agricultural specialized platform hub on the cloud for the management of spatial and non-spatial data relevant for farming production. The FOODIE service platform deals with including their thematic, spatial, and temporal... K. Charvat, T. Reznik, K. Charvat jr., V. Lukas, S. Horakova, M. Kepka

7. Quo Vadis Precision Farming

The agriculture sector is a unique sector due to its strategic importance for both citizens and economy which, ideally, should make the whole sector a network of interacting organizations. There is an increasing tension, the like of which is not experienced in any other sector, between the requirements to assure full safety and keep costs under control, but also assure the long-term strategic interests of Europe and worldwide. In that sense, agricultural production influences, and is influenced... K. Charvat, T. Reznik, V. Lukas, K. Charvat jr., S. Horakova, M. Splichal, M. Kepka

8. A Dynamic Variable Rate Irrigation Control System

Currently variable rate irrigation (VRI) prescription maps used to apply water differentially to irrigation management zones (IMZs) are static.  They are developed once and used thereafter and thus do not respond to environmental variables which affect soil moisture conditions.  Our approach for creating dynamic prescription maps is to use soil moisture sensors to estimate the amount of irrigation water needed to return each IMZ to an ideal soil moisture condition.  The UGA Smart... G. Vellidis, V. Liakos, W. Porter, X. Liang, M.A. Tucker

9. Three Years of On-Farm Evaluation of Dynamic Variable Rate Irrigation: What Have We Learned?

This paper will present a dynamic Variable Rate Irrigation System developed by the University of Georgia. The system consists of the EZZone management zone delineation tool, the UGA Smart Sensor Array (UGA SSA) and an irrigation scheduling decision support tool. An experiment was conducted in 2015, 2016 and 2017 in two different peanut fields to evaluate the performance of using the UGA SSA to dynamically schedule Variable Rate Irrigation (VRI). For comparison reasons strips were designed within... V. Liakos, W. Porter, X. Liang, M. Tucker, A. Mclendon, C. Perry, G. Vellidis

10. Management Zone Delineation for Irrigation Based on Sentinel-2 Satellite Images and Field Properties

This paper presents a case study of the first application of the dynamic Variable Rate Irrigation (VRI) System developed by the University of Georgia to cotton. The system consists of the EZZone management zone software, the University of Georgia Smart Sensor Array (UGA SSA) and an irrigation scheduling decision support tool. An experiment was conducted in 2017 in a cotton field to evaluate the performance of the system in cotton. The field was divided into four parallel strips. All four strips... V. Liakos, G. Vellidis, L. Lacerda, W. Porter, M. Tucker, C. Cox

11. Map Whiteboard As Collaboration Tool for Smart Farming Advisory Services

Precision agriculture, a branch of smart farming, holds great promise for modernization of European agriculture both in terms of environmental sustainability and economic outlook.  The vast data archives made available through Copernicus and related infrastructures, combined with a low entry threshold into the domain of AI-technologies has made it possible, if not outright easy, to make meaningful predictions that divides  individual agricultural fields into zones where variable rates... K. Charvat, R. Berzins, R. Bergheim, F. Zadrazil, J. Macura, D. Langovskis, H. Snevajs, H. Kubickova, S. Horakova, K. Charvat jr.

12. SmartAgriHubs FIE20 - Groundwater and Meteo Sensors and Earth Observation for Precision Agriculture

The solution developed under the SmartAgriHubs project in the scope of the Flagship Innovation Experiment FIE20 Groundwater and meteo sensors is an expert system to support farmers in decision-making process and planning process of field interventions. This FIE20 solution integrates various data sources and different analytical processes in a complete system and provides users an easy-to-use web map application as a common user interface. The FIE20 system integrates components developed during... K. Charvat, M. Kepka, R. Berzins, F. Zadrazil, D. Langovskis, M. Musil

13. Potential of UAS Multispectral Imagery for Predicting Yield Determining Physiological Parameters of Cotton

The use of unmanned aerial systems (UAS) in precision agriculture has increased rapidly due to the availability of reliable, low-cost, and high-resolution sensors as well as advanced image processing software. Lint yield in cotton is the product of three physiological parameters: photosynthetically active radiation intercepted by canopy (IPAR), the efficiency of converting intercepted active radiation to biomass (RUE), and the ratio of economic yield to total dry matter (HI). The relationships... A. Pokhrel, S. Virk, J.L. Snider, G. Vellidis, V. Parkash

14. Making Irrigator Pro an Adaptive Irrigation Decision Support System

Irrigator Pro is a public domain irrigation scheduling model developed by the USDA-ARS National Peanut Research Laboratory. The latest version of the model uses either matric potential sensors to estimate the plant’s available soil water or manual data input. In this project, a new algorithm is developed, which will provide growers and consultants with much more flexibility in how they can feed data to the model. The new version will also run with Volumetric Water Content sensors, giving... I. Gallios, G. Vellidis, C. Butts

15. Developing a neural-network model for detecting Aflatoxin hotspots in peanut fields

Aflatoxin is a carcinogenic toxin produced by a soilborne fungi, called Aspergillus flavus, causing a difficult struggle for the peanut industry in terms of produce quality, price and the range of selling market. This study aims to develop a successful U-Net CNN (Convolutional Neural Network) model, a reliable image segmentation method, that will help in distinguishing high probability zones of occurrence of Aflatoxin in peanut fields using remotely sensed hyperspectral imagery. The research was... S. Kukal, G. Vellidis