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Borchert, A
Cohen, Y
Sorensen, M.D
Biswas, A
Bautista, F
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Borchert, A
Trautz, D
Olfs, H
Borchert, A
Recke, G
Dabbelt, D
Trautz, D
Olfs, H
Nigon, T.J
Rosen, C
Mulla, D
Cohen, Y
Alchanatis, V
Rud, R
Cohen, Y
Alchanatis, V
Heuer, B
Lemcoff, H
Sprintsin, M
Rosen, C
Mulla, D
Nigon, T
Dar, Z
Cohen, A
Levi, A
Brikman, R
Markovits, T
Rud, R
Cohen, Y
Alchanatis, V
Levi, O
Cohen, S
Herrmann, I
Pimstein, A
Karnieli, A
Cohen, Y
Alchanatis , V
Bonfil, D.J
Olfs, H
Trautz, D
Borchert, A
Alchanatis, V
Cohen, Y
Sprinstin, M
Cohen, A
Zipori, I
Dag, A
Naor, A
Rosenberg, O
Alchanatis, V
Saranga, Y
Bosak, A
Cohen, Y
Adamchuk, V.I
Dhawale, N
Biswas, A
Lauzon‎, S
Dutilleul, P
Meron, M
Tsipris, J
Orlov, V
Alchnatis, V
Cohen, Y
Cambouris, A
Lajili, A
Chokmani , K
Perron, I
Adamchuk, V
Biswas , A
Zebrath, B
Biswas, A
Ji, W
Perron, I
Cambouris, A
Zebarth, B
Adamchuk, V
Biswas, A
Vidana Gamage, D.N
Strachan, I.B
Rydahl, P
Jorgensen, R.N
Dyrmann, M
Jensen, N
Sorensen, M.D
Bojer, O.M
Andersen, P
Cambouris, A
Perron, I
Zebarth, B
Vargas, F
Chokmani, K
Biswas, A
Adamchuk, V
Johnston, A
Adamchuk, V
Biswas, A
Cambouris, A
Lafond, J
Perron, I
Saifuzzaman, M
Adamchuk, V.I
Huang, H
Ji, W
Rabe, N
Biswas, A
Huang, H
Adamchuk, V
Biswas, A
Ji, W
Lauzon, S
Goldwasser, Y
Alchanati, V
Goldshtein, E
Cohen, Y
Gips, A
Nadav, I
Katz, L
Ben-Gal, A
Litaor, I
Naor, A
Peeters, A
Goldshtein, E
Alchanatis, V
Cohen, Y
Saurette, D
Biswas, A
Gobezie, T.B
Walsh, O.S
Shafian, S
Lamichhane, R
Owusu Ansah, E
Nambi, E
Bautista, F
Precision Nutrient Management
Remote Sensing Applications in Precision Agriculture
Machine Vision / Multispectral & Hyperspectral Imaging Applications to Precision Agriculture
Remote Sensing Applications in Precision Agriculture
Spatial Variability in Crop, Soil and Natural Resources
Remote Sensing Applications in Precision Agriculture
Big Data Mining & Statistical Issues in Precision Agriculture
Remote Sensing Application / Sensor Technology
Proximal and Remote Sensing of Soil and Crop (including Phenotyping)
Drainage Optimization and Variable Rate Irrigation
Precision Crop Protection
Site-Specific Nutrient, Lime and Seed Management
Big Data, Data Mining and Deep Learning
Geospatial Data
Proximal and Remote Sensing of Soil and Crop (including Phenotyping)
Precision Horticulture
Applications of Unmanned Aerial Systems
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Filter results23 paper(s) found.

1. Assessment Of Field Crops Leaf Area Index By The Red-edge Inflection Point Derived From Venus Bands

The red-edge region of leaves spectrum (700-800 nm) corresponds to the spectral region that connects the chlorophyll absorption in the red and the amplified reflectance caused by the leaf structure in the near infrared (NIR) parts of the spectrum. At the canopy level, the inflection point of the red-edge slope is influenced by the plant’s condition that is related to several properties, including Leaf Area Index (LAI) and plant nutritional status.... I. Herrmann, A. Pimstein, A. Karnieli, Y. Cohen, V. Alchanatis , D.J. Bonfil

2. Validation Of On-the-go Soil Ph-measurements – Primary Results From Germany

Until recently in-field variability for soil pH could not be considered for agronomic decisions (e.g. liming rates) because reliable spatial information was hardly available. The required density of soil pH-measurements could not be achieved by manual soil sampling due to time constraints and analysis costs for the vast number of samples. A comprehensive... H. Olfs, D. Trautz, A. Borchert

3. Soil pH maps Derived from On-the-Go pH-Measurements as Basis for Variable Lime Application under German Conditions: Concept Development and Evaluation in Field Trials

... A. Borchert, D. Trautz, H. Olfs

4. Economic Evaluation of a Variable Lime Application Strategy Based on Soil pH Maps Derived from On-The-Go pH-Measurements under German Conditions

... A. Borchert, G. Recke, D. Dabbelt, D. Trautz, H. Olfs

5. Hyperspectral Imagery for the Detection of Nitrogen Stress in Potato for In-season Management

... T.J. Nigon, C. Rosen, D. Mulla, Y. Cohen, V. Alchanatis, R. Rud

6. Evaluating Water Status in Potato Fields Using Combined Information from RGB and Thermal Aerial Images

Potato yield and quality are highly dependent on an adequate supply of water. In this study the combined information from RGB and thermal aerial images to evaluate... Y. Cohen, V. Alchanatis, B. Heuer, H. Lemcoff, M. Sprintsin, C. Rosen, D. Mulla, T. Nigon, Z. Dar, A. Cohen, A. Levi, R. Brikman, T. Markovits, R. Rud

7. A Method for Combining Spatial and Hyperspectral Information for Delineation of Homogenous Management Zones

Hyperspectral (HS) remote sensing is a constantly developing field. New remote sensing applications of different fields constantly appear. The possibility of acquisition information about an object without physical contact is spanning new opportunities in many fields and for precision agricultural in particular. These opportunities demand constant improvement and development of new analysis approaches and algorithms,... Y. Cohen, V. Alchanatis, O. Levi, S. Cohen

8. Automatic Detection And Mapping Of Irrigation System Failures Using Remotely Sensed Canopy Temperature And Image Processing

Today there is no systematic way to identify and locate failures of irrigation systems mainly because of the labor costs associated with locating the failures. The general aim of this study was to develop an airborne thermal imaging system for semi - automatic monitoring and mapping of irrigation system failures, specifically, of leaks and clogs. Initially, leaks and clogs were simulated by setting controlled trials in table grapes vineyards and olive groves. Airborne thermal... V. Alchanatis, Y. Cohen, M. Sprinstin, A. Cohen, I. Zipori, A. Dag, A. Naor

9. Are Thermal Images Adequate For Irrigation Management?

Thermal crop sensing technologies have potential as tools for monitoring and mapping crop water status, improving water use efficiency and precisely managing irrigation. As thermal sensors and imagers became more affordable, various platforms were examined to allow for canopy- and field-scale acquisitions of canopy temperature and to extract maps of water status variability. Various canopy temperature statistics and crop water stress index (CWSI) were used to estimate water status... O. Rosenberg, V. Alchanatis, Y. Saranga, A. Bosak, Y. Cohen

10. Integrated Analysis of Multilayer Proximal Soil Sensing Data

Data revealing spatial soil heterogeneity can be obtained in an economically feasible manner using on-the-go proximal soil sensing (PSS) platforms. Gathered georeferenced measurements demonstrate changes related to physical and chemical soil attributes across an agricultural field. However, since many PSS measurements are affected by multiple soil properties to different degrees, it is important to assess soil heterogeneity using a multilayer approach. Thus, analysis of multiple layers of geospatial... V.I. Adamchuk, N. Dhawale, A. Biswas, S. Lauzon‎, P. Dutilleul

11. Crop Water Stress Mapping for Site Specific Irrigation by Thermal Imagery and Artificial Reference Surfaces

Variable rate irrigation machines or solid set systems have become technically feasible; however, crop water status mapping is necessary as a blueprint to match irrigation quantities to site-specific crop water demands. Remote thermal sensing can provide these maps in sufficient detail and at a timely delivery. In a set of aerial and ground scans at the Hula Valley, Israel, digital crop water stress maps were generated using geo-referenced high- resolution thermal imagery and artificial reference... M. Meron, J. Tsipris, V. Orlov, V. Alchnatis, Y. Cohen

12. Use of Proximal Soil Sensing to Delineate Management Zones in a Commercial Potato Field in Prince Edward Island, Canada

Management zones (MZs) are delineated areas within an agricultural field with relatively homogenous soil properties. Such MZs can often be used for site-specific management of crop production inputs. The purpose of this study was to determine the efficiency of two proximal soil sensors for delineating MZs in an 8.1-ha commercial potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) field in Prince Edward Island (PEI), Canada. A galvanic contact resistivity sensor (Veris-3100 [Veris]) and electromagnetic induction sensors... A. Cambouris, A. Lajili, K. Chokmani , I. Perron, V. Adamchuk, A. Biswas , B. Zebrath

13. Proximal Soil Sensing-Led Management Zone Delineation for Potato Fields

A fundamental aspect of precision agriculture or site-specific crop management is the ability to recognize and address local changes in the crop production environment (e.g. soil) within the boundaries of a traditional management unit. However, the status quo approach to define local fertilizer need relies on systematic soil sampling followed by time and labour-intensive laboratory analysis. Proximal soil sensing offers numerous advantages over conventional soil characterization and has shown... A. Biswas, W. Ji, I. Perron, A. Cambouris, B. Zebarth, V. Adamchuk

14. High Resolution Soil Moisture Monitoring Using Active Heat Pulse Method with Fiber Optic Temperature Sensing at Field Scale

Knowledge of spatial and temporal variability of soil moisture is critical for site specific irrigation management at field scale. However, installation feasibility, cost and between-sensor variability restrict the use of many point–based sensors at field scale. Active heat pulse method with fiber optic temperature sensing (AHFO) has shown a potential to provide soil moisture data at sub-meter intervals along a fiber optic cable to a distance >10000 meters. Despite the limited number... A. Biswas, D.N. Vidana gamage, I.B. Strachan

15. Spatial Variability of Optimized Herbicide Mixtures and Dosages

Driven by 25 years of Danish, political 'pesticide action plans', aiming at reducing the use of pesticides, a Danish Decision Support System (DSS) for Integrated Weed Management (IWM) has been constructed. This online tool, called ‘IPMwise’ is now in its 4th generation. It integrates the 8 general IPM-principles as defined by the EU. In Denmark, this DSS includes 30 crops, 105 weeds and full assortments of herbicides. Due to generic qualities in both the integrated... P. Rydahl, R.N. Jorgensen, M. Dyrmann, N. Jensen, M.D. Sorensen, O.M. Bojer, P. Andersen

16. Delineation of Soil Management Zones: Comparison of Three Proximal Soil Sensor Systems Under Commercial Potato Field in Eastern Canada.

Precision agriculture (PA) involves optimization of seeding, fertilizer application, irrigation, and pesticide use to optimize crop production for the purpose of increasing grower revenue and protecting the environment. Potato crops (Solanum tuberosum L.) are recognized as good candidates for the adoption of PA because of the high cost of inputs. In addition, the sensitivity of potato yield and quality to crop management and environmental conditions makes precision management economically... A. Cambouris, I. Perron, B. Zebarth, F. Vargas, K. Chokmani, A. Biswas, V. Adamchuk

17. Integration of Proximal and Remote Sensing Data for Site-Specific Management of Wild Blueberry

In Saguenay-Lac-St-Jean, there are nearly 27,000 ha of wild blueberries (Vaccinium angustifolium Ait.). This production is carried out in fields with heterogeneous growing conditions due to the local changes in topography, key soil properties, and crop density. The main objective of this study was to develop a regression-based approach to site-specific management (SSM) by integrating proximally and remotely sensed data layers, namely, apparent soil electrical conductivity (ECa), field elevation,... A. Johnston, V. Adamchuk, A. Biswas, A. Cambouris, J. Lafond, I. Perron

18. Data Clustering Tools for Understanding Spatial Heterogeneity in Crop Production by Integrating Proximal Soil Sensing and Remote Sensing Data

Remote sensing (RS) and proximal soil sensing (PSS) technologies offer an advanced array of methods for obtaining soil property information and determining soil variability for precision agriculture. A large amount of data collected using these sensors may provide essential information for precision or site-specific management in a production field. In this paper, we introduced a new clustering technique was introduced and compared with existing clustering tools for determining relatively homogeneous... M. Saifuzzaman, V.I. Adamchuk, H. Huang, W. Ji, N. Rabe, A. Biswas

19. Analysis of Soil Properties Predictability Using Different On-the-Go Soil Mapping Systems

Understanding the spatial variability of soil chemical and physical attributes allows for the optimization of the profitability of nutrient and water management for crop development. Considering the advantages and accessibility of various types of multi-sensor platforms capable of acquiring large sensing data pertaining to soil information across a landscape, this study compares data obtained using four common soil mapping systems: 1) topography obtained using a real-time kinematic (RTK) global... H. Huang, V. Adamchuk, A. Biswas, W. Ji, S. Lauzon

20. The Use of Spatial and Temporal Measures to Enhance the Sensitivity of Satellite-based Spectral Vegetation Indices to (Water) Stress in Maize Fields

Climate change and water scarcity are reducing the available irrigation water for agriculture thus turning it into a limited resource. Today calculating and estimating crop water requirements are achieved through the ETc FAO-56 model where the effect of climate on crop water requirement is determined through the water evaporation from the soil and plant (ETref), and a calendar crop coefficient (Kc). Models that... Y. Goldwasser, V. Alchanati, E. Goldshtein, Y. Cohen, A. Gips, I. Nadav

21. Comparison of Canopy Extraction Methods from UAV Thermal Images for Temperature Mapping: a Case Study from a Peach Orchard

Canopy extraction using thermal images significantly affects temperature mapping and crop water status estimation. This study aimed to compare several canopy extraction methodologies by utilizing a large database of UAV thermal images from a precision irrigation trial in a peach orchard. Canopy extraction using thermal images can be attained by purely statistical analysis (S), a combination of statistical and spatial analyses (SS), or by synchronizing thermal and RGB images, following RGB statistical... L. Katz, A. Ben-gal, I. Litaor, A. Naor, A. Peeters, E. Goldshtein, V. Alchanatis, Y. Cohen

22. Digital Soil Sensing and Mapping for Crop Suitability

Soil, central to any land-based production system, determines the success of any crops. While soil for a farm or field is fixed, the crops can be selected to best fit the soil’s capability and production. Traditionally crops are selected based on farm history, knowledge, and years of trial and error to tailor the right crop to the right soil. Inherent challenges associated with this make the whole process unsustainable. Due to the consistent nature of the information collected, soil sensors... D. Saurette, A. Biswas, T.B. Gobezie

23. Precision Nitrogen and Water Management for Optimized Sugar Beet Yield and Sugar Content

Sugar beet (SB) production profitability is based on maximizing three parameters: beet yield, sucrose content, and sucrose recovery efficiency. Efficient nitrogen (N) and water management are key for successful SB production. Nitrogen deficits in the soil can reduce root and sugar yield. Overapplication of N can reduce sucrose content and increase nitrate impurities which lowers sucrose recovery. Application of N in excess of SB crop need leads to vigorous canopy growth, while compromising root... O.S. Walsh, S. Shafian